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"Who are you? and you?" She frowns and pointing me and daehan. Fuck this Manoban.

I glared at her and walk towards her and throw my bag on her face. "Don't me Manoban! I'm a doctor and I know what's happening to you" I said and hug her and cried. She chuckles along with my friend "I miss you!" I said and cry at her chest.

"Jen it's hurt" she groans and Immediately pulls out the hug.

"I'm sorry," I said. She kisses me on my forehead and she kisses daehan too.

"It's fine. I miss you too!" She said and was about to sit up but she can't. She can't make herself sat up on her own. "Ouch!"

I support her to lay again and It's exactly that Jeongyeon came in. "Morning Dr. Kim," she said and smile. "So. I'm here to answer you Ms. Manoban. I'm sad to say that every move you'll make will cause pain in your back. You're not allowed to carry things heavy or not. It's for your safety and for you to heal quickly. You're not allowed to do so difficult activity like driving or so more. Dr. Kim knows that so I'm sure you'll recover sooner. Drinking alcohol is not allowed because you're still drinking your medication drugs. You can drink vitamins or came out every 7-9 Am for sunlight because vitamin D is sometimes called the sunshine vitamin because it's produced in your skin in response to sunlight. It's a fat-soluble vitamin in a family of compounds that includes vitamins D-1, D-2, and D-3. Your body produces vitamin D naturally when it's directly exposed to sunlight. That's all" Jeongyeon explains.

Lisa looked at her sadly. "Until when? I don't want to be like this forever. I don't want to be a burden" she sadly said.

"You're not burdened hon. Remember that" I said as I hold her hand.

"If you do all the things I said then you'll heal so quickly," she said. "Don't worry you will not stay like that forever until your Dr. Kim is there" Jeongyeon said and wiggle her brows to Lisa and Lisa smile. I don't know what they're talking about.

"Doctor, are you saying that being active in sex will help me to heal?" Lisa teasingly ask. I slap her arm. pervert.

"You're the first one if you did that but tell me if that helps you and I will advise that to my other patients," Jeongyeon said.

"Jeongyeon!" I said and Jeongyeon ran outside. Crazy Doctor.

"You heard that hon? Maybe we need to try." Lisa whisper to me. I glared at her.

"You can't even stand up by yourself and here you are being pervert wanting sex," I said and roll my eyes.

"I have ways hon," she said and smirked. I didn't mind her.

"You scared us Lisayah!" Chaeng said. "I thought you will leave the world" everybody laugh.

"My life will be longer because I still need to impregnate Jennie," she said and wiggle her brows to me.

"What?! That's exciting!" My parents and her parents squeal.

"In your dreams!" I said to her.

The door suddenly opens and It reveals a nurse pushing Lucas in his wheelchair. "Lucas!" Daehan said and hug his little brother. "Lucas look! Dada is there!" Daehan said but instead of responding to Daehan. He pushes his brother and looks at all of us then cried.

I ran to Daehan who is about to cry. "Daehan please don't cry...understand him okay?" I said and he nodded. Trying his best to not cry.

"What's wrong Lucas?" I said and Lucas pushes me away. I don't know what's wrong with him I look at the nurse asking her what happen.

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