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Jennie walks inside of the Manoban's house. Her head is still aching but she doesn't want to complain about it now cause all she wants is to be with her children and bring them home.

The butler and maid smile at her and greet her formally which is what she gave back. She walks towards the living room and they saw her children and Lisa's parents happily watching a movie.

Mrs. Manoban notices Jennie in her imperial view so she look at Jennie's spot and they smile at each other. Mrs. Manoban feels something's good at Jennie's vibe right now. Jennie looks so happy.

Mrs. Manoban stands up and greet Jennie. "Jennie dear! Come here" Mrs. Manoban said. Jennie walks towards them her children are looking at her with a bright smile. Lucas can't hold himself but smile towards her mommy too.

He misses her mommy. After days of being not with her and her dada is sad for him. He regrets pushing his dada away. He knows he hurt his dada's feeling and he wants to apologize.

"Hey Mom, Dad" Jennie said as she kisses them on their cheeks and turns to her children.

"Hey Lucas, Daehan! Come here! Mommy misses you so much" she said. The two can't hide their excitement and jump in their mommy's arms.

"We miss you too mommy! Very much!" Daehan said and kiss his mommy's cheek and Lucas do the same.

"Mom... don't ever leave us" Lucas said while pouting. Jennie feels sad that she makes her Lucas sad for the past few days.

"Don't worry... that's why I'm here. I'm picking you up guys cause for now on mommy will be at home every day!" Jennie happily announced.

"Really?!" The twins squeal their eyes are sparkling because of happiness. They can't wait to spend their time every day with their mom.

"Really!" Jennie said and hug her twins.

"Y-you quit your job?" Mr. Manoban said. Stuttering because of amazement. he didn't mean what he said last time he can't believe that Jennie will really give up her dream work.

"Yeah, I come to the hospital this morning and announced the new CMO." Jennie said and smile at me.

"Are you sure that's what you want? I mean We're here to look after them" Mrs. Manoban said.

"I'm sure Mom, Dad. This is what I want, I want to be with them this time" she said and the couple smile. She's happy to know that Jennie wants to spend time with her children instead of working.

"Mum!" They all look behind them and saw Lia holding a carton of milk soaking wet. Looks like while they are having a moment lia sneak to go to the kitchen.

"What did you do baby!" Jennie said and chuckled. She carries lia even she's wet. She pampered Lia's face with a kiss and lia giggle.

"Lia want milk! Mum!" Lia said and gave her the gummy smile. She has it like Daehan.

"Awe! You just drink plenty of milk earlier lia" Mrs. Manoban said and we Laugh.

They stop laughing when Jennie groan. "Aww...aa" Mrs. Manoban hurriedly walk towards Jennie's side and support her.

"Are you okay dear?...I was about to ask you look pale" She said. Jennie straightens her body and smile at Mrs. Manoban even her head is killing her.

She knows if she acts like that again Mrs. Manoban will insist for her to stay and she doesn't want that. She wants to be in their house because she doesn't want to be a burden to her Mom and Dad.

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