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I'm here now in our living room with my babies. I'm helping daehan and Lucas with their assignment cause I don't have anything to do. I already clean the house.

"Mom, can you help me? I don't know what I'm going to draw" Lucas said as he pouts.

Their assignment is to draw one animal that they want and explain why they choose to draw that animal.

I look at daehan and saw he's almost done. He draws a chicken and I don't have any Idea why he draws that but I would ask him later once he's done. He's currently coloring his drawing.

I go closer to Lucas who is still not starting. He's having a hard time I know it. He's smart but too lazy to do an assignment. Aishh why can't he just boost himself?

"Lucas all you need to do is think of one of the animals that you want you have at least one animal that you always see?" I ask and he seems to be thinking deeply.

"Aha! I knew it! Thanks mom!" He said and kiss me on my cheeks. He started to draw and I stand up. I don't know what is it.

"Are you hungry Lia?" I ask Lia who is playing with her doll and her hyung's train.

I look at our wall clock and saw It's already 4:42 pm and I'm sure Lisa is already on her way home.

"I want cookie Mum!" She said as she lifts her little arms. Telling me to carry her which is what I did.

"You're heavy. I'm wondering if I'm your real mother or your mother is a literal pig" I said but I was surprised when she understands it.

"Lia is not a pig!" She said and glared at me! Wow.

"Yes! Lia is a pig!" Lucas said and laugh out loud.

"No!" Lia fight back.

"Yes! You're a little pig! Oink oink"

"No! No! No!"

"Oink! Oink!" And there. Lia cried so loud to the point we need to cover our ear because it's too loud.

I can't help but laugh. I don't know! I find lia cute whenever she's crying because she lost with her debate with her hyung.

"I'm home!" We heard Lisa in our back and I walk towards her and peck on her lips. Lia is in between of us but she cried silently this time.

Lisa notices it so she took Lia in my arms. "Awe! Who made you cry baby?" Lisa asks as she wipes Lia's tears.

"Mum and Lucas said Lia is a pig!" Lia said pouting at her dada. I chuckled.

"Oh? Don't worry baby I'll spank your mummy later okay? Stop crying" Lisa said and look at me and wiggle her brows.

I know that spank! How dare this monkey! I do still not recover from what she did to me last night then she's already planing again. Did she really want me to end up seating in a wheelchair?

"You seems to be okay now huh? Fast recovery!" She said and I literally smack her in front of Lia.

She just laughs and put Lia down and make her way to the twin who is busy making their assignment.

"Wow! My boys are so hardworking!" Lisa said as the two looks at her and kiss her on her cheeks. That's sweet you know?

"What are you doing here is?" Lisa ask.

"Done!" Daehan said as he lifts his paper. "It's our assignment dada. We need to choose an animal that we want or we always remember and draw it with explanation" Daehan said and gave his work to his dada.

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