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My flight Is supposed to be In France but turn out In Korea. I was supposed to go home to France but I didn't know I still have a home waiting for me In Korea.

I still can't believe what Kai said last night. I can't sleep because I'm still thinking about it. I should be asleep at that time because my flight to Korea is scheduled for 3 Am but I'm not...I'm wide awake until now. Even here on the plane, I can't sleep.

I'm thinking If how they look like If what are their names. I'm so eager to see them and to hug them in my arms. But just thinking of them hating me Is so heartbreaking.

What if they're mad at me because I'm not by their side at the times they needed me? A father that will look after them. I'm so mad at myself knowing I don't have any idea about this. Jennie being pregnant when I left is didn't cross in my mind and that's bullshit.

I didn't notify my parents or anyone that I'll arrive In Seoul this morning. I'm so upset with all of them even to my parents...I mean they know all of this but they didn't tell me. I have the right to know because the standing father to the family.

They'll be surprised once they saw me.

About to my company...I take a leave because this is a serious matter and besides It's my first time taking a vacation.

I talk to Mino last night when I arrived at the hotel. I told him I'm going back to Korea for a certain reason and I didn't tell him about me having a child. I talk to him that he will be managing the company in the meantime while I was away and he agreed. Well, I trust him and he can manage my company well.

He will fly back to France later. I told him to lock my office because there are so many things that Important there. I Inform somi that I will be gone by 2 weeks or more? I don't know It depends.

I'm thinking of moving my main office to Korea since the day that Jennie and I back together. I ask her to be my girlfriend again I thought she will refuse because she's fond of the courting process but luckily she accepted it and I'm very thankful for that.

So as I'm saying. The urge of moving my main office Is got bigger once I found out I have sons to take care of. I can't go back and live in France again while my family is On the other side of the world.

It's still hurt me thinking of me leaving them behind and I regret that bullshitness. Think about it... when Jennie was pregnant, I wasn't by her side to support her needs.


I landed At Incheon Airport at 8:30 Am. I call someone that will give me a lift since I don't want to call my driver here or anyone besides this person.

I call him earlier telling him I'm here in Korea and needed him to pick me up. He was so shocked to know that I'm here. Well, he expected that I will no longer go back here.

It's my first time to contact him again since I change my number so many times. He asks If where I get his number and I just tell him "you didn't change your number. I'm just the one who changes." 

After minutes of waiting, he arrived. "Hey!!! Lisa!" He calls me while running towards me.  He hugs me so tight to the point I can't breathe anymore so I elbow him. "Ouch!" He groans.

"Are you planning to kill me?" I ask.

"Of course not! I just miss you!" I just pass by him and place my luggage in a  trunk and sat at the shotgun seat.

"Hey! Hey! What's up with the sour face?" Sehun ask?

"I'm so upset with all of you. Y'all know I have a child with Jennie but y'all dd not inform me." I said and look straight at the road as he started driving.

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