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It's already noon but my stupid wife is still not coming back. did I tell her to buy the whole store? Argh! If I just know she'll take long buying groceries I wouldn't ask her to do that!

We already eat our lunch because my baby here is already hungry so we didn't wait for them. I hope Lisa already fed Lucas because if not I will slit her neck!.

Anyways our Christmas yesterday is great! We really had fun with our parents and some chitchatting and after they spend the whole day with us they go home because it's getting late.

My favorite part is last night. Lisa give her present to me! It's a really beautiful set of jewellery! It's expensive as hell and I never thought she will buy me a gift.

I even sulk at her for days because I never saw her buy a gift for me or she never said she had one for me so Yeah. I got surprised.

According to my gift to her...I bought it last month. I know she will love it because she's always talking about that car and planning to buy it for herself but she never had time to buy it so I bought it for her instead.

Wendy accompanies me in buying that car so yeah. I'm surprised Wendy did not tell Lisa. Wendy is kinda noisy about surprises and that's the reason why Jisoo or Seulgi never let her know about their surprises for their wives. 

Anyways, I'm here at Lisa's studio where her camera's and her other frame of her shots are. Yeah, Lisa is still love taking pictures and she's collecting cameras.

She never used these cameras since last month and this studio is kinda dusty so while waiting for her I decided to clean her cameras.

She never asks me to do it but I want to clean it. We have this huge family picture inside of this room Lisa is the one who took it she just places a camera stand and set the timer and she edits it.

There's our solo picture too. It's beautiful and I can say Lisa really have a talent for taking pictures. Well she was supposed to be a photographer but she changed her plan.

I'm on the last camera and wiping it carefully. I don't think Lisa will be happy if I drop this. She might file a divorce! Kidding.

Once I'm done I place it back to where it supposed to be and stand up. I walk towards her table here and was about to clean it too when I heard our doorbell rang.

Yeah, even I'm upstairs I still heard it because every corner of our house has a speaker so when someone rang our doorbell everyone will really hear it.

I go out of the room and make my way downstairs. I saw my son and daughter playing in the living room. They didn't mind opening the door.

I tell them that If someone rang the doorbell don't open it because it might be some other shits or bad guy. Well we never know. So yeah only I and Lisa can open the door.

I'm sure It's Lisa and I will smack this monkey for taking too long!. I heard another rang and I walk faster towards the door.

"Yah! Lalisa! Did you buy the whole st-" I stop there once I see who is in front of me. My mouth forms to 'O' and I couldn't speak.

It's not Lisa... It's her grandmother.

"M-Mrs. Manoban?" I stuttered. I'm nervous!

I hate this old granny but I still need to respect her because she's Lisa's grandma. I know I disrespect her in the past and I don't have a plan to disrespect her again.

but if she does something stupid to my children I wouldn't think twice and drag her outside.

I was surprised when she smile at me and didn't fire some harsh words because I expect her to do that but I guess...I'm being judgemental.

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