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"Dr. Kim! There's an emergency! There are so many patients they're in the emergency room there's a fire incident in the factory where they're all working" Nayeon said. She's my friend but when It comes to work we're serious.  I look at her confused. Why Us? We're a surgeon and not for that case. "I know what you're thinking Dr. Kim but there are really a bunch of patients so we need to help them!" She said. I hurriedly wore my doctor's gown and ran with her.

"Here Dr. Kim! Here!" I don't know who's that fucking nurse is calling because there is so many Kim here! And I hate it! "Dr. Jennie! You!" The nurse said. I ran towards him. "she's the daughter of the employee. And the tube fell on her and pierced her stomach. He also had a rash on his arms." He said. I didn't waste time and motion another nurse to assist me in the surgery room.

I need to remove the tube that is stabbed in her stomach before she loses so much blood. Omygod! She's still young to die.

I ran to the sink and do my rituals before changing my gown to a surgical gown. The patient was moved from the stretcher onto the examination table, and the only complaint obtained from the patient was shortness of breath.

Cardiac monitors, blood pressure cuff, and oxygen saturation probes were then placed on the patient

"Ready the 2 bags of blood-positive B," I said in a serious tone. Well, I'm strict when I'm in session. They ready the things we need use.  "Scalpel please," I said and my assistant gave it to me Immediately.

I carefully open her abdomen and start to carefully pull the tube that stabbed in her stomach.  Inspection within the abdomen demonstrated blood clots on the anterior surface of the stomach and the left lateral segment of the liver. To more carefully assess the extent of intra-abdominal injuries and carry out the repair, the procedure was converted to an open laparotomy.

Once I successfully remove it I stitch the wound. "Done! We successfully remove it! There's another life we save!" I said and they clap their hands.

"You're the best Dr. Kim!" One of them said. I just smiled and walk out. I wash my hands and change my gown to my doctor's gown and go to my office again.

I sat there and rest my head on the table. "Argh!! I'm so tired!" I groan. I decided to take a rest for now but someone knocks.

"Ahh! Why now! I want some rest!" I whisper yell. "Coming!" I shout to the person behind.

I lazily stand up and Open the door.

"Mommy!!!" Daehan and Lucas ran to me and hug me. Ahh, thank God they visit me! They're my strength!.

"Omg babies!!! Thank God you visit mommy! I already miss you even it's just an hour since we last saw each other." I said and chuckled. They kiss me on my cheeks and hug me tight.

Daehan and Lucas is a twin! The moment I fount out they're twin it makes me feel happy

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Daehan and Lucas is a twin! The moment I fount out they're twin it makes me feel happy. Daehan is the first one to come out then Lucas so daehan is the Hyung.

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