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we're nowhere in the cab and Lisa is right the driver knew her since the first day and she's right when she said the driver is funny because he's been throwing some jokes at us like jisoo.

"Are you perhaps in a relationship? you guys look good together" The driver said and I got really shocked by his sudden question and I started to feel my heating cheeks.

"u-uhh...I-" Lisa is trying to say something but I cut her.

"No, and we're not and will never be" I said in a serious tone but deep inside I curse to every Saint fo giving me this weird feeling.

"Yeah right, we're just friends Mr. Fred" Lisa said and smirk at me! Aisha this girl is really something.

The car slowly stops meaning we're already here. I fix my clothes and ready to open the door but before I do someone already did. I look up just to see a smiling monkey offering me her hand. 

"Thank you" I shortly said and smile at her.  she just nods and leads the way to the entrance and even open the door for me! such a gentlewoman but dork.

(Inside the restaurant)

"Good evening ma'am do you have any reservations?" The waiter asks

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"Good evening ma'am do you have any reservations?" The waiter asks.

"Yes, Lisa Manoban" Lisa said and smile the waiter check it the paper he's been holding and he nods to us and leads the way to our table.

Lisa pulls a chair for me which is kids off for me because no one does that for me except to my dad cause even my past flings never do this kind of thing to me.

She sat across to me. "So Jennie? how's your day?" she asks while her arms are resting on the table

"It's fine nothing good happened nor bad it's just boring to be at school," I said and let out a sigh.

"Yeah you're right if not for the sake of the future I'm going to drop out" she said and chuckled.

"Yeah for the sake of the future, I want to give my future family the BEST" I emphasize the word.

"Oh you're already dreaming of having a family, do you perhaps have a boyfriend?" She teasingly asks before wiggling her brows.

I don't know but when someone utters a relationship or 'Boyfriend ' word its starts to freak me out. "What?!! no! I don't have and I will never have again!" I said as my teeth gritted.


"What?!! no! I don't have and I will never have again!" Jennie said in anger and sadness is visible in her eyes.

"Again? so you have an ex" I ask in a serious tone.

"Ugh! Please let's not talk about it again it makes me mad" She glared at me as if I'm her ex-boyfriend and it's starting to scare the shit out of me!

I WONT GIVE UPWhere stories live. Discover now