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The guy left that according to them is D.O.  I support Jennie to seat down On the couch cause she's still crying. She never stops saying sorry even I told her It's okay now.

"Are you mad at me?" She asks. Her face is in the crook of my neck. I can feel her heavy breathing because of crying.

"Not anymore...I realize It's no sense to be mad at this situation." I said as I kiss her head.

She didn't respond but my friends start to bombard me with questions.

"When did you get back together?" Seulgi asks.

"Yes, and why we didn't know about this?" Chaeng asks too.

"Where have you been all this year?" Jisoo asks.

"How did you encounter Kai?" Irene ask. Jennie look at our friends and spoke.

"Why so many questions? She just came back from a long flight and y'all will bombard her with those questions." Jennie said and roll her eyes. Bitch Jennie is back!

"Don't worry hon. I'm fine and I arrived here yesterday so I already rest" I said and smile at her but instead to smile back she pinches me.

"What?! You're here since yesterday?" She asks and I nodded. " why did you come here just now?" She asks.

"I don't have any Idea where are you living," I said.

"Geez. Jennie, you'll have your time later let us be for now. Stop with the lovey-dovey" Jisoo said and roll her eyes at her sister.

"Answer Us now Monkey," chaeng said. I sigh and start telling them all about what they want to know. Starts to where we met and what we end up with again.

"Hmm. I'm thinking if you two did 'It'" wendy said and smirking. I throw a pillow at her cause her to groan. "Ouch!! But it's true! The day Jennie came back she has this vibe like a 'glow after sex' like duh!" She said. Jennie's face starts to heat up because of embarrassment so I throw a pillow at her again.

"But seriously Lisa. We're happy that you're here now and the two of you are back together" Irene said and smile.

"It means our JENLISA ship is back!!!!" Seulgi said and happily dance with those dorks.

"Welcome again captain Jisoo!" Wendy said and salute to Jisoo which earn a laugh from us. I really miss these people.

They're laughing their ass when a cute little voice speaks and It warms my heart. "Dada?"  I look at the cute little boy and he looks at me shocked. "Dada!!" He said and ran towards me and about to cry.

I kneeled to reach her height and hug him tighter. I can't help but cry and him too.  We're both crying. It saddens me that Lucas Is not here.

He kept sobbing so I pull out of the hug and wipe his tears. "Don't cry, baby. Dada is here and I wouldn't t leave you guys again. I love you" I said and kiss his forehead.

He clings his short arm to my neck and rests his head in the crook of my neck. I carried him and I sat beside Jennie. She hugs us both and causes awe to my friend.

"I'm gonna cry Jisoo!" Chaeng said as she slaps Jisoo's arm hard.

"Aw!! Why did you do that!" Jisoo groan.
Chaeng hormones are kicking.

"Stop complaining!" And she cried. Insane woman.

Our friend goes to the garden to give us a time. Daehan is seating on my lap while Jennie's head resting on my shoulder.

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