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It's dinner already and we're here at a restaurant where we eat dinner too yesterday.

"Let's go to the night bar here! Later! They said it's fun!" Seulgi said. Jennie, Irene, and chaeng looked at us secretly.

"Oh! Sorry guys, Jennie and Irene had some girl's night out, so you can go by yourself guys" chaeng said.

Jisoo was about to disagree but I kick her under the table. This chicken is dumb! Didn't she get what chaeng is saying? They telling us that we should talk to wendy tonight before we go back to Seoul tomorrow.

"Oh! Is that so? Well had fun girls" I said. We finish eating and we just rest for a minute then leave.

I and the power puff girls are walking to the shore towards the night bar. We can see the party light here, we can hear the music.

"This is going to be fun! Our girlfriends are not with us!" Seulgi squeal. I just shake my head.

We sat at the table and order our drinks. The bartender gave it to us and we just talk about some random things.

We fell to along silence until Wendy spoke.
"Did you guys remember the day was Lisa told us to accompany her to the bar?" She asks and we all nodded. We got closer to her so that we can able to hear what she's saying.

"That day I'm late. I'm not supposed to be late because it's not part of the plan. when I park my car in the parking lot, I saw Joy. Well, she really needs to be there because she needs to take us a picture, But no. I saw her go out to the car that actually unfamiliar. I got curious so I just stay there. But what I saw shocked me, the guy kiss Joy on the lips before Joy enters the bar. That gives me an answer." Wendy telling us the story while sobbing so Jisoo side hugs her. She continued.

"I'm following her for a month because she suddenly changes. She just turns to a cold one, she barely talks to me, texts me, or even calls. Everything change. I follow her to the guy's house. She's always there. At first, I drop it cause I thought he's just a classmate. But I'm wrong. She fools me, she played with my weak heart. I hate the fact that she can do that to me, that scenario never cross my mind. But why? Why I can't let her go? Why do I choose to stay quiet for a week instead of confronting her?" she said and sob hard. A three got teary because of what she just told us.

I can't believe Joy will do that, I hate her now. I fucking do! "I can't believe her! but you know, you can't let her go because you're so deeply In love with her. Like it's okay for you to be a fool just for her to stay. that thought is all wrong wendy, you're just making it worst. You are just hurting yourself. if you want to forget her and heal, you need to learn to let her go. You learn to love her so you can learn to let her go too. That's how it works wendy, you don't need to stay in a toxic relationship if you're just the only one who is holding on. If it's simply one-sided love" Jisoo said.

"Jisoo is right wendy, you're the one who said to me that 'what's the sense of prolonging if you can do it already' that line needs to be used by you. You need to do it while it's still early. Because the more you prolong it the more you're going to be hurt" I said. And look at her apologetic.

"You don't need to torture yourself, Joy is not the only one who can love you like she used to do. There's more than most deserve your love. You let go and heal then love again but pick the person carefully" seulgi said. Wow, we're like turn into a mature one.

"Sometimes the best way to be happy is to learn to let go of things you tried hard to hold on to that are no longer good for you," I said it's all let go. But that's what she needs.

"What you told me guys really help me, you guys made me realize what needs to be realized. To be honest, I'm confused as to what should I do" she said and we group hug.

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