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Friday night we all go back home. My children don't want to go home yet but we really need to. I have to sign all the papers in my office because It's already needed.

We explain it to them and they listen and understand it after so many minutes of explaining and begging lol.

It's already Saturday night right now and we need to go to the fancy restaurant that Jennie's mom book for us. We will be having finner with them.

I'm sitting here in the living room waiting for them to be done. Jennie still dressing lia and after that, we're free to go.

After waiting for so long...they already walking downstairs. Jennie wearing a beautiful dress that hugging her sexy body. She's so damn hot.

"Let's go" she said stopping my eyes from wandering to her body.

I slide my hand to her slim waist. "Your so sexy tonight hon" I whisper.

"I know" she said and squeeze my butt behind "but not now" she said and smirked. She walks out with the kids.

"Aish...Such a tease!" I whisper yell and grumpily go outside.

I open the door for them and go inside the driving seat. I started the engine and start to drive away.

After a few minutes of driving we arrive at this very luxurious restaurant. Jennie's mother is really fond of fancy place...well Jennie too. I help them to go out and we walk side by side towards the entrance of the restaurant.

"Kim reservation" I said and the waiter looks at me and smile.

"Oh yes! Mrs. Manoban this way" he said and lead the way for us. He leads us to this VIP room.

"They're already inside Mrs. Manoban. Have a great night" he said and bow and leave us.

I open the door for Jennie and the children. The moment I open it Daehan and Lucas ran inside jumping with their grandpa and grandma. They miss them too.

Jennie and I walk towards the table and sit down. Jennie places Lia on the booster. "Well, well! Where's my hug princess?" Jennie's Dad said.

"I told you dad, I'm not a princess anymore" She said and roll her eyes causing us to laugh.

We properly greet them and sit down again. "We already order our foods and It will arrive later" Mom said.

"So how are you guys?" Dad asks.

"We're definitely fine Dad. Jennie is back to normal after our stay at our old house. She seems to relax there I guess" I said.

"I really am. I miss that house and the view is relaxing too" Jennie happily said.

"I'm glad to hear that" Dad said.

"How about you Mom? Dad? How's your vacation? We heard you go to Iceland" Jennie said.

"Oh yeah! Iceland is amazing! Especially every night. The star is shining bright! We really enjoy the weather too even it's too cold and your Dad nearly freeze If I didn't cuddle him" Mom said and chuckled.

"Oh shut up If you didn't beg me to make you hot" Dad said and wiggle his eyebrows. I laugh hard with Dad high five me.

"Yah! Dad that's...eww" Jennie said while her mom glaring at her dad too.

"Come on princess! I know Lisa here will do the same if you guys go to Iceland" Dad said and chuckled.

"I will definitely do that too Dad" I said.

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