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I go back to the washroom with Nayeon. I changed my scrubs to the clothes that I wear earlier here. I wash my hands and was about to go back to Lisa but Nayeon called me behind.

"Jen! Thank you for coming...I don't know what will happen if you don't come" she said and I look back at her saw her smiling.

"That's nothing. I can help you guys whenever you need my help but I hope not like this again" I said and she walks towards me and hugs me.

"I miss you Mandu! I miss hanging out with you too!" She said and pout. I pull out the hug and chuckled.

"We can hang out If we both have free time. I'll find ways" I said and wink at her and she laughed. "Anyway, I gotta go. Lisa is waiting for me and my kids are in wendy's so we still need to pick them up" I said and kiss her on the cheek and we bid goodbye.

I walk outside and I Immediately saw Lisa seating and tapping her foot on the floor. She seems to look nowhere cause she didn't notice me coming.

"Hey! What are you thinking?" I said.

She looks at me and stands up. She hugs me and whispers. "I'm proud of you my doctor" she said and I couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you" I said and peck at her lips. I didn't mind those people who are looking at us. "Let's go? I'm sure your sons and daughter already making chaos at wendy's" I said and we chuckle.

She held my hands and we walk towards the elevator. She presses the ground floor after a short time the door open and we go out.

We're making our way to the exit when I heard someone called me behind. "Dr. Manoban!" We stop walking and look to our back.

We saw Jihyo and Song Kang making their way to us. "Here he goes again" Lisa said and her face turns to sour.

"Calm down Manoban" I whisper.

The two reach us and Jihyo spoke. "I just want to say my thank you Dr. Man-" I cut her off.

"Just call me Jennie. You're not new to me" I said and she nodded.

"As I'm saying...I want to say thank you Jennie Unnie for helping me earlier. I really thought I would go die" she said and bow at us.

"We're really scared about what will happen next. Thank you for saving the kid too Jen" Song Kang said and smile at me.

"Thank you for saving the kid too Jen chuchu blah blah" I heard Lisa Imitate Song Kang so I elbow her and she groans.

Lucky her the two didn't hear her cause if they did I will really skin her alive.

"That was nothing Jihyo. I'm thankful Nayeon called me Immediately so I could help. Anyway, how are you? Do you get hurt?" I ask.

"I'm totally fine Unnie. Thank you again" she said and bow once again.

"If that's all we will go now" Lisa said and smile at Jihyo.

We're was about to leave again but Kang spoke again. "U-Uhmm Lisa I just want to apologize for what I did last time. I admit I don't have the right to touch your wife...I think I step over the line"

"You really did" Lisa rudely said and I glare at her. This monkey!

"I'm sorry for that but I just want to assure you that I don't have anything with Jennie. She's just my friend and to prove that I'm telling you the truth....I'm courting Jihyo for almost half a year now" he states.

"Really?!" I surprisedly said. Jihyo got very shy and look down. "I knew it! I'm really suspecting it a long time ago cause I saw you always going to Jihyo's department! Oh my god! You guys really look good to each other" I happily said.

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