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The food that was Lisa talking about arrived. It's too much for my appetite! I just ate what I want but not all. I don't want to get fat duh! I'm taking care of my body shape.

Jisoo just got finished with her speech because she needs to say something too. After all, this is Lisa and Her's achievements. I'm very proud of them.

Anyway, I'm here in the corner all alone at this circle table. Just a few people are passing here not that much and I'm thankful because I don't need to hide as I expected.

To be honest I'm so fucking nervous for tonight. I don't know what will be the outcome of this plan of Lisa and Jennie's. Well I won't complain anymore.

I'm very thankful that they help me to do this. I mean to be revealed tonight after a long time. I can see their table here and I can see them laughing at Jisoo.

I miss them. I just want to run there and hug them but I know I can't. Just not now because If I do that the couple's plan will be ruin and I don't want that to happen.

They want to see our friend's reaction while me I'm so uneasy. I can even stop my foot from tapping the ground. I take a sip in my whiskey here to help me to my uneasiness.

I was sipping my whiskey when I heard someone call me and gasp at the same time. I froze on my spot when I recognize and saw the person who called me. For fuck sake! Why now?!.

"Joy?...Oh my God! Joy!" Wendy's mother squeals once she recognized me.

She ran towards my table and hug me. I awkwardly stand up to hug her back. Oh gosh! She pulls back and smiles brightly at me. "I miss you, Joy! How have you been?" She asks as she joins me at my table.

I'm really nervous! Why the hell I need to meet her mother this early than her? My nervousness is the triple time! For fuck sake! this is her mother!

I don't even know if she knows what I did to her daughter or what the reason for our break up. I mean if she did why would she act like this towards me? Maybe not?

"U-Uhmm...I'm f-fine and I m-miss you too Mrs. Son" I said.

"What's with the formality? I told you before to call me Mom didn't I?" She said raising her eyebrows.

"Yes you did Mrs. S-Son but everything changed....d-did you even k-know wendy and I's p-past?" I stammered again! Fucking hell!

"Yes I knew" she said and I got so damn scared.

"I-I'm sorry...I'm very sorry Mrs. Son. I really regret what I did before and I want to apologize to her and to others" I said looking down to my lap.

She rubs my shoulder. "Don't worry. I'm not mad at you! I can forget the past because you are already here and for sure you can change my wendy! I know you still love each other and I can see it in your eyes and hers. Wendy got very miserable and she never listens to me" She said.

How can be her mother this so kind? She so damn kind man! I can't even look at her because I feel ashamed. She's still kind towards me even I hurt her daughter before.

But I got curious about what she said about wendy. "What do you mean miserable Mrs. Son?" I asks.

"It's not like super miserable. It's just like she never settle with one girl since she broke up with you. She started hooking up to random girls and I hate it! It's like she becomes a playgirl. I tried to stop her but she doesn't listen. I think she's releasing her frustration know?" She said and I just close my eyes and deep sigh.

It's all my fault why she became like that. It's all my fault! Argh! I hate it and I'm also hurt after hearing she's hooking up to random girls.

Lisa blurt it out too last time but I just shrugged it off even I'm totally affected. Her mother seems to notice my sudden mood.

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