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I enter Jennie's room just to found a jerk laughing her ass. Jisoo. She's sitting at the coach inside the hospital room holding her phone and laughing so hard.

"Insane woman" I mumbled and I didn't mind her anymore. I divert my attention to my wife who is laying in her hospital bed and sleeping.

I walk towards her and caress her hair and kiss her on her forehead. She looks so weak right now and but I hope she's fine.

"Oh! You're already here Limario! HAHAHAHA!" Jisoo said still laughing.

"Yeah, you didn't notice me because you are so busy laughing your ass" I said and roll my eyes. I sat beside Jennie and held her hand.

"Who wouldn't laugh huh?! HHAHAHA watch this!" Jisoo said and walk towards me and handed me her phone.

I play the video and my eyes widen the moment I see myself crying in the room next to this. Fuck! She saw it and she even takes a video! This is embarrassing.

I smack her hard "why did you even video it! That's fucking embarrassing!" I said.

"Of course they need to see how dumb you are limario HAHAHAHA" she said.  "My wife don't leave me! I love you" she imitates my voice.

"KIM JISOO!" I was about to smack her again but she stops me.

"Yah! Try to hit me and I will kill you! Do you think I forgot about my sister? I'll kill you If ever something serious happened to her! How dare you to leave her in your house in that state" she said and glared at me and it sends a shiver to my body.

I was about to respond when someone does it for me. "It's not her fault Unnie" we look at our back and saw Jennie already awake.

I walk towards her and kiss her hand again "I'm sorry hon...I shouldn't leave you" I sadly said and she just smiles.

"It's not your fault...come here" she said and I come closer to her. She hugs me tightly. Our moment got cut off by a doctor.

"Good morning Mrs. Manoban" she said and bow at us. "So I checked everything with you Mrs. Manoban I run tests and luckily it's nothing serious but you need to eat and sleep properly or rest. You passed out due to luck of resting and you stress yourself so just need to drink your medicine and you are free to go tomorrow morning" she said and smile at Jennie.

"It's that all?" I ask.

"Yes, and It will help her to rest property if you guys try to go to a peaceful know vacation" the doctor said and bow. She was about to leave but she said something again. "I heard this morning what you did Mrs. Manoban...thank you for being a good head to all of us," she said and finally go out.

I and Jisoo look at her confused. "What is she talking about?" I ask still frowning.

"I quit my job this morning" she said and smile towards me.

"What?! You did that?!" I said. Shocked at what she just said.

"Yeah I figured it out that It's the best for us If I focus on our family and let you do the other for us...besides I'm still the CEO" she said.

"Why?...I mean you don't need to do that If you don't w-"

"I want it and I love to be with my babies every day"

"Did Mom knows?" Jisoo said.

"Yeah I talk to her and she agreed to my decision. In fact she's so happy to hear that I'll be focus on them this time" Jennie said.

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