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"Jennie! I didn't wear protection!" She said panicky. I just stare at her like I didn't care. "Why are you so calm?"

"Yeah, cause you forgot to wear condoms for the third time. But in first and second? Did you get me pregnant? No, right? So I know, I will never be pregnant that past" I said and roll my eyes. I stand up on the table and pick tissue to wipe our mixed cum.

she back hug me, I can feel at my back her still hard dick. "are you listening to me now?" Yeah, I give in easily, stupid Jennie. But anyway, I love it.

"Make sure your explanation is acceptable...if not!'ll hate what will be the consequence" I said, we put on our clothes and she set up her laptop in front of me and play the footage.

I watched it carefully. But no one is with them. They're just alone at their table laughing and drinking. I suddenly felt guilty.

I look at her and hug her tight. "I'm sorry, I didn't know. It's just...I'm really mad at you yesterday and when I saw the photo early in the morning. the anger eats me and I burst it out to you, I'm so sorry" I apologize.

"It's fine, I understand. And speaking of what happened yesterday..." We both sat on the couch. " I didn't ditch you, I was preparing for my surprise to you so that it will be memorable. And I avoid the topic of our anniversary because it's part of the plan, to make you feel I didn't care. But I do!. I love you and I will never fall outline to you." She said and kiss me on my forehead.

Aish!! I overreact. I even ruined her surprise for me! I regret jumping in to a conclusion! "Omygad, I'm sorry I ruined your plan, I'm the one who ruins our anniversary. I overreact" I said and look down.

"I told you it's fine! It's not your fault. I'm sorry too for making you feel that way, but I didn't want it to." She said "don't worry we can celebrate our anniversary again" I look at her with my eyes glittery.

"Really? When? Where?" I ask excitedly.

"On my birthday! Let's go to the beach with our friends! Jeju!" She happily announced.

"Yeah! Your birthday is coming you're finally turning 60!" I said and she glares at me.

"Yah! Babe! I'm Just turning 22!"

"Oh? Is that so? Okay!" I said and laugh.

we're clinging to each other when the five drag inside without knocking? And oh? Lisa didn't lock the door? What the heck??! Did someone see us? Omg! If dad finds out what we do we're dead!!.

"Our Jenlisa is back!!!" Chaeng shout.

"I told you guys! My plan is going to work! Look they are okay now! And they even had wonderful moments! Right limario?" Jisoo unnie said and wiggle her brows. Lisa and I look at them confused.



"Baby, what should we do? Jennie misinterprets Lisa and your sister is mad at Lisa. This is all wrong, Jennie is thinking things towards Lisa that's not true" I ask worriedly.

Jennie just called her father to ready the plane and Lisa text me to give her a lift. I'm really worried about them. it's all because of that taehyung! If he didn't show up maybe they just had a little fight, not like this.

"We have 6 hours to make a plan...I don't want my ship to fall" chu said "go message the squad, let's meet up to the nearest coffee shop" And I did. I massage them and they all agreed.

We go out of our apartment and walk to the nearest coffee shop here. Yeah, we just walk cause it's near? Yeah, whatever.

We walk for 5 minutes until we arrived, I see them all complete, and even Joy is there! Wow, that's a miracle! She barely comes with us.

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