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"Chaeng are we going to just stand here and watch you to daydream?" Lisa ask and that was embarrassing so I elbow her.

"Shut up" I said to her.

"Please Rosé? Let me explain to you my side. I really didn't mean what I did before. I have a reason" Suzy said. Begging me.

"I didn't know about this but I think you should talk to her and go here after and tell me about this" Lisa whisper to me and look at Suzy. "You can go out Ms. Bae" she said to Suzy. Giving her permission.

I deeply sigh. Give her a chance to explain park Chaeyoung. "Okay, this would be the last" I said to Bae. "You can't tell to anyone about this manoban" I whisper to her and she nodded in understanding.

"I think I will continue my work, bye chaeng! See you later" Lisa said and go back to her office.

"let's go" I said to her and we walk towards the elevator. The ride is quiet.

I look at her and saw her fidgeting her fingers. Suzy Bae is still the same. She's still a very calm woman. Still beautiful as ever but my wife is more beautiful right now lol.

We arrive at the ground floor and we walk outside. "There's this café just near here. It's a good place" she said and smile at me.

"Let's go to my car" I said cause I know she doesn't have a car. I heard what happened to her family after she leaves the country but I don't know what's the reason behind it.

She nodded and we got inside my car. It's so awkward because no one is talking but I think it's just okay.

She told me where the café is and we arrived there. We go inside and order our coffee. I was about to pay but she held my hand to stop me.

"I can pay. It's on me" she said and I nodded. we walk towards the available table and I'm not gonna lie. The place is really great because there's a plant inside and it's so peaceful.

I look in front of me and I just noticed she's wearing a pencil skirt and a woman's polo. Her fashion sense never change too! Wow, I'm amazed lol.

"So..." She takes a deep breath before she continues. "I want to say sorry for what I did in the past Rosé. I'm truly sorry. I didn't mean what I did" she sincerely said.

"You didn't mean? You didn't mean to treat me as If I'm your girl? You didn't mean to let me feel I'm so special and worth it but in the end you just slap to my face that I'm not worth it to be with... there's a lot of it and please tell me what actually you didn't mean" I said while looking at her eyes letting her know how hopeless I am that time.

"I didn't mean it all rosé. I-It's just happened that we did 'It' and It all mess up" she said.

Yeah we did it and I'm so so fuck up that time when I woke up she's not beside me. One drunken night change our relationship. A relationship where I didn't know if it's just a friend or more than friends.

I woke up without her and I didn't saw her in our school for a week then she just shown up in front of my classroom and drag me to our garden and just tell me.


"It's just a mistake rosé. We both don't know what we're doing and we did that without wanting it. It just a pure mistakes" she said and after she said that she received a slap from me.

"Really?! Mistake?! Well from me it's not! You're aware that I have feelings for you! I know you are aware even I didn't tell you! I thought you-fee-"

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