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Same day

"Mino let's go have dinner," I said as I motion him to follow me but he didn't even flinch.

We just finished our meeting. It's 7 Pm already and I'm really hungry. I take a lunch because the food that they serve to us Is so disgusting. You know I don't like the taste but I can't complain. They might fire the chef If I complain about how bad the taste of that food.

"No thanks. I'm full because I ate earlier." He said mocking me.

"Whatever. The food Is really bad" I said.

"because you never taste that kind of food! Your so picky!" He fights back.

"Go fight me and I will leave you here in Japan "

"No! I'm Just kidding! That dish Is disgusting!" He said. I just shake my head In amusement.

"You're crazy. Anyway, If you don't want to eat with me then I'll go by myself" I said and bid goodbye.

My bodyguards are kept following me every time and It annoys me. If not just because of my Dad I will sue them away. Aishah.

One of them opens the car door for me. I climb in and tell the driver where I want to have my dinner. I research some restaurants and I find this famous Beige Restaurant so I visit their page and many customers gave them a five-star rate because of their excellent service and delicious food.

after a few minutes, we arrive at this so cozy restaurant. I know It's not that luxurious but who cares? I can eat anything even this restaurant Is the cheapest In the whole world I will come here. Just make sure the food is great.

I enter the restaurant and Immediately found an empty table In the corner. I sat there and a waiter approaches me. I gave him my orders. While waiting I open my phone to check If Jennie messages me...but she didn't.

She usually messages me at this kind of time but there's none. "Maybe she's busy. I should take the first move" I mumbled and message her. Telling her that my meeting Is over and I miss her.

That's the truth. I miss her so much even It's just 3 days since I last touch and saw her. She's like my addiction you know? Her scent and everything.

I realized that she's the reason why I can't love someone again since we split up. She's the reason why I don't want to believe in love the day we broke up.

I don't believe In love when It's not her. Because I'm only believing In love when It's only me and her. The time she came back to my arms again that's when the realization hit me. That I'm still In love with her because I never stop loving her.

I'm still staring at our chatbox but she's still not responding so I turn off my phone and place it on the table.

The waiter came and place my order on the table. Just the looks of It I can say It's delicious. I pick my fork and taste It. "Mmmhh" I moan. Hell! I thought only Jennie can make me moan but this food can too! But Jennie Is still the best!.

I continue eating until all of the plates are already empty. "Oh god! I almost eat the plates."I said t myself and chuckled.

I stay for more minutes and decided to go to my hotel already. Before I leave I pay for my food of course. I stand up and walk towards the exit.

I was walking like a handsome model here when someone holds my hand to stop me from walking. I look down at the hands and look at the person. I was shocked to see who Is It.

I WONT GIVE UPWhere stories live. Discover now