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I'm here at my office doing nothing. Just relaxing and waiting for my stupid brothers to call me. they're so slow to do their job! It's been two months since I gave them that work but those brothers of mine are too scared to make a move.

This night is the perfect time to remove that stupid in the picture. she's been in the picture for so long and it makes me want to kill her immediately.

I'm supposed to be there. to be at my girlfriend's side not her. Well, I still consider her as a one since we don't have closures.

Was about to call my idiotic brother but he calls me first. Well I tell them to call me once he's already there because if not his mother will be gone dead. I don't care about her Anyway.

"Hello?" He said.

" _? Are you already there? Take note you need to do move your ass if she's just alone, timing is what you need. Just focus on her Okay?! Hear me?!" I yell.

"Why are you doing this to me? to us? Please leave me alone and our mother. I can't do what you want me to do"  he begs.

"You don't need to know you stupid and I don't care about you all! I don't have family since Dad died. If you did not do what I ordered you then say goodbye to your Lil brother and Mom" I threaten.

"Okay, okay. I'll do that. Just please don't hurt them. Have mercy"

"What mercy? Sorry, I'm not familiar with that word" I said and laugh evilly. I hang up and call his brother.

"Hello? Who's this?" The caller asks.

" hey _, Why my brother didn't save my number? Is he hate me that much? Huh?" I said and chuckle sarcastically.

"You're evil! And yeah! I hate you so damn much! I wish you were not born in the world! You're a son of a bitch!" He yells angrily.

I hang up. I have no words for him. I don't want to waste time to hear his damn rant.

I'm sure that the two will not move their asses. I need to move too. I pick my jacket and go to the venue.


We finish the one bottle and cocktail and we're still at our senses because it's not that hard and we listen to our bosses. Jennie, Irene, Chaeng, and Joy.

I know Jennie is not into alcohol but she got force. Aishh! This friend of ours! Really!.

People started to dance like wild animals. Others are already drunk. They really enjoy this night, Well us too.

It's nearly 11 pm but people here are still up and energized. who wouldn't? The music here is so loud and vibin.

"Seulgi-ah let's dance! Lisa! wendy!" Jisoo said motioning us to stand up. Seulgi and wendy stand up but me? Nah, I'm not in the mood to dance.

"Yah! Lisayah! Your such a Killjoy person" Wendy said and help me to stand up.

"I'm not in the mood to dance." That's true. It's been 2 hours since Jennie ignore me like I am just a wind here.

"Here! Drink these Overflowing cocktail glasses and let see if you're still not in the mood" Wendy gave me the glasses. Was about to drink but Jennie snatches it.

"Idiot! Are you going to drink that? Do you want to get a morning hungover? Huh?" The kitten finally spoke at me but still coldness is there.

"Lisa let's go already!" Jisoo said and drag me to the middle. They started to dance like crazy. I shake my head in amusement and go to the empty table near them.

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