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Two weeks. It's been two weeks since we broke up. And it's been two weeks since she left the country.

I'm so lost. I can't find myself. She left me, my girlfriend left me. My love, my life. And whatever you called it.

In two weeks I'm always in my room. Our room. I'm always hugging her clothes or anything that belongs to her. I'm longing for her. I'm not eating, always crying.

My mum and Dad stay here for the meantime. They want to be beside me every time. they will always bring my food here but I'm not eating it. And if I did it will end up in the bathroom sink.

I'm always throwing up, I don't know why. My headache always kicking me for two months already. but I choose to not mind it.  Because why would I? If I'm going to die because of this...then die. I have no space in this world without lisa.

I tried to call her and do anything but I can't. I just can't reach her. I think she changes her number. I tried to her social media but still no response. She deactivates her social media accounts.

Last week her parents came here. I'm so afraid of them. Afraid they might hate me as her daughter do. But Nah, they hug me and I just cried to their shoulder. I ask them if they hate me but they just answered me like "No, It's your problem with Lisa and we're not involved"  I explained to them what Lisa misinterpreted to me.  Luckily they understand me.

I told them don't tell lisa what I told them because I don't want Lisa to know it by others. And I don't want Lisa to come to me without full of trust likes before.

I know I lost the trust that lisa gave me. I know It's my fault and I regret it all. I should tell her before that taehyung was been following me. I should inform her and not lie.

Yes, I didn't cheat on her. But I still lied to her. And that's my wrong. I'm a freaking liar!.

Chaeng hates me so damn much. She's blaming me. Whenever our paths cross she's throwing so damn hurtful words...I can't stand strong with her. she's slapping me with my wrongdoing. I'm too weak to fight.

I lost my girlfriend and I lost my friend. Like Lisa, she never listens to me. unlike my other friends. They understand me the most and they're always by my side.

I hate myself. Because of me Jisoo and chaeng are always fighting. Jisoo always scolding chaeng to not blame me or at least listen to me. They nearly break up but I interfere in their fight.


I want to drink water because I'm so thirsty and I don't want to wake others to do it for me. I can walk.

I'm near our kitchen when I heard someone is shouting and throwing anything. I'm curious so I take a peek.

"Chaeng! You're drunk! In one freaking week, you're always drunk! Is this because of lisa huh?! It's her fault why she's hurting! She chooses the hard way to solve this problem of them!" Jisoo said. Her face is red because of anger.

"Oh shut up Kim Jisoo! It's all because of your sister! She's a fucking whore! Fucking hell! Is that pussy of her is that thirsty huh? So Lisa's dick is not enough for her?! What the heck Kim Jisoo!!! My best friend leave me! My freaking friend! I don't know where the fuck is she!! And your sister is the one to blame with this fuck shit!" Chaeng yells back. She's drunk. I can't help but silently sob.

"I'm the reason why everyone is hurting," I mumbled.

"Fuck!! It's Just your friend chaeng!! She will come back!! Me?!! I'm your girlfriend but I felt like I'm a housekeeper in our house! I'm always cleaning your mess!! You even got into a fight in the club for what? For Just a freakin green salad!! You nearly go to Jail! And who helps you out huh? Me right? Don't be childish! you're not my only responsibility! I have a sister who is drowning in depression! I have a company to manage! And you? Here waking me Just to blame my sister for all of this!" Jisoo said. Her tear is flowing on her cheeks. She messed her hair in frustration.

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