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I'm here at the hospital doing my final round for today. I will check my last patient and after that I'm free to go home. It's quite tiring this week. Well scratch that because It's tiring every fucking day.

'You want that right? Tiring yourself?'

Yeah, you're right but I'm enjoying it, anyway. I'm happy to help those people who in need.

I enter the last room and saw an old man laying on his bed. he has a heart infection and he just got his operation last week and thankfully it's successful. His family can't thank me enough for saving him. They even want to treat me but I refuse.

"Hello Good evening Mr. Jung" I said.

"Good Evening to you too Dr. Manoban" his wife said. Mr. Jung is not yet able to speak properly because his still gaining his strength.

"How's he this past few days?" I ask because the last time I came here to check him up Is last last day.

"He's not fully fine but he can already eat properly and move his body a little" she said. You must be confused why he can't move or do anything.

Let me answer you. It's because of the Operation. He lost all his strength and his body is so tired even the operation is just last week. He's already old you know.

I hook my stethoscope and place it on his chest. "Okay, Mr. Jung. Breath with me okay?" I said and he nodded. "Inhale... exhale" we did that three times. I heard his heart beating normally and I can say It's a good sign. His heart is returning to normal.

"Have you had chest pain these past few days?" I ask.

"" he said and shook his head. I smile.

"Okay. You did a good job Mr. Jung! Your hearth is in a good state already and It's returning to normal. It's a good sign, but you still need to stay here for at least another week to gain more strength okay?" I happily said. He smiles and nodded.

I look at his wife and smiled at her. "Thank you for everything Dr. Manoban. I can't thank you enough" she said and getting teary.

"Oh no! You don't need to thank me. It's my pleasure to help people in needs" I said.

"You're so kind. Your wife and children must be lucky to have you" she said. She knows. Actually the whole Asia.

"I'm the one who is lucky to have them" I said and smile to her. Well that's true. They're my strength. "I'll go now Mrs, and Mr. Jung. I'll pay a visit some other time" I said and leave the room.

I was walking in the hallway when someone calls me behind. "Dr. Manoban!" I look back and saw Song Kang running towards me. You're asking why he's here?.

He got transferred here by the CMO of Busan International Hospital. they said we merely need a neurologist here because we're in the city so yeah, he's here for already 2 years and we become closer than before.

I introduced him to Lisa and tell her that Song Kang is my childhood friend but they never get along because that wife of mine is so fucking jelly. I don't know her..I told her he's just a close friend but Nah..she's like a sulking baby telling her mommy to don't go on a date Lol.

I'm thankful Kang always understanding Lisa's behaviour for my sake. Even Lisa ACCIDENTALLY bump him and it cause Kang to stumble on the floor. I was so mad at her that time Because I saw how she did it on purpose.

I talk to her that time but of course she Denied it!.

Song Kang sometimes going to our house because he's already close to my Sons. He always plays with them and as usual Lisa got jealous because Kang can make the boys obey them while her. She can't LOL. I'm always comforting her that her sons are just making ng fun of her by disobeying her and she will just say. 'but It's not funny at all!' yeah sulking Lisa Is cute.

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