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It didn't take long and we Immediately arrive at the hospital. Lisa just parks the car in front of the entrance because I said so. I told her to just leave it there and come with me.

We're literally running to the entrance but the guard blocks us and looks at me worriedly. "Mrs. Manoban I think you should not go inside" he said.

"Get out of my way" I said but he did not move. " I said get out!" And he did. He got startled and Lisa just looks at me. Surprised by my sudden burst out.

It's his fault! If he didn't block us maybe we're already there. We kept running and we saw Jeongyeon running towards us.

"Jen! Lisa!" She said and she reaches us.

"What the hell is happening?" Lisa ask.

"There's this old man on the second floor! Jihyo is in his arms and threatening us that If we don't let you out, he will do something bad to jihyo! And what's more insane is he was holding the scalpel and pointing it to Jihyo's neck!" She said.

"WHAT?!" Lisa and I said in unison.

"Let's go before that old man do something bad!" Lisa said and we ran towards the elevator.

"What did he want from me?" I ask in curiosity.

"His grandchild has a heart disease and Nayeon just found it out just earlier when they rushed the child to the ER because the kid's chest is in pain and the child could not breathe properly" she said. We're still inside the elevator. "The girl really needs heart surgery but his grandpa doesn't want Nayeon to be the one to perform the surgery...he only trusts you cause he said you can save the little girl's life" Jeongyeon said.

"What? I c-" I was cut off when the elevator's door open and we Immediately saw the people gathering.

"Excuse me please" Lisa said and we finally get inside the circle. We're facing the old man's back so we can't see his face but we surely can see jihyo. She looks very scared.

Nayeon saw me and she's with Kang with their very worried expression too. Oh god! What gotten to this old man's mind?! Can't he just trust Nayeon?!.

I got really frustrated so I speak. "Let go of him mister, we can talk about this without hurting a single person here" I calmly said. I was about to walk towards him but lisa held my arm.

The old man looks back at us and hell! My mouth went agape and my eyes really went widden I can't utter a word.

"MR. FRED?!" Lisa and I exclaim.

Mr. Fred is a taxi driver that Lisa's always riding back in high school. I know him because the first time Lisa and I go out for dinner when we were in high school we ride a taxi and Mr. Fred is the driver.

He's just looking at us. I think trying to remember us. "You know me?" he asks.

He got thinner than before and he's already old. "don't you remember me? Us? I'm Lisa Manoban! I'm your favorite passenger back in high school..." He still doesn't remember us.

"Please let's talk and let go of that girl...I'm begging you" I beg. Jihyo is already crying.

His mood changes again. "No! I need you! I want my grandchild to be stable! I don't want to see her like that! She's so fragile! I can't lose my grandchild..." A tear escape to his eyes.

I felt sad for him...they just know right now that his grandchild has a heart problem. If they just consult it earlier maybe the little girl will not here for surgery. Maybe the girl's disease can cure by just medicine.

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