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We're now eating breakfast here in the dining room. her pancakes are really the best. I've taste pancakes before but not this good.

"Babe, what magic you put here? this is so freaking good!" I said. Eyes close and savoring the taste because why not? this is delicious.

"I put Viagra" she said with her serious tone.

My eyes widen and instantly ran to the kitchen sink and I spit it all out. while my girlfriend here is just laughing hard "What the hell babe!?"

"Hahaha! did you see your face? well of course not. but it's really hilarious! HAHAHAHAHAH" she laughed her ass off.

This crazy woman! "You know babe. You can just ask me if you want me to make love with you. you don't need to put a fucking viagra to make me horny and fuck you" I smirk after I started that. yeah, I'm a cool Manoban.

She stops laughing and gives me 'are you serious look'  "You're really dumb. did you really think viagra will be the reason why my pancakes are delicious? I'm just kidding when I said I put viagra. you're so full of your self" she said and smirk too.

I didn't respond to her and just continue eating. Oh! I remember something! I schedule an appointment at the famous clothing brand well their designer is a friend of mine which is a famous designer.

"Oh! I remember we have appointments with this famous clothing designer at 10 Am and it's already 9:12 Am so after this let's change and go there" I said

"Okay. So what is this clothing brand that you are proud of?" she mocks.

"You'll see and you will love it!" I said and wink she just smiles and shakes her head.

After we eat we change into our casual clothes and go straight there.

The ride didn't last long before we arrive at 
'House of Versace'

I help her to climb out and once she saw the main store building of the clothing brand name she look at me full of amusement.

"How? I mean how do you schedule us an appointment here that fast? The last time I contact them to have a schedule with me but they refuse and told me that if I want to have an appointment with them I need to schedule it 2 months before! even I said I am a Kim! So how do you fucking do this? this is the freaking famous 'House of Versace'!" she said still amaze.

"Well you didn't know me. let's go and you'll see" I said and intertwine our fingers..

We entered hand in hand every staff is looking at us. Why not? our relationship is not yet in public. I didn't mind their gossip and just go straight to the manager which is a friend of mine too.

Once he saw me he runs immediately to me and hugs me. "Yah!! lalisa! long time no see! how are you? we didn't hang out again after the last" he said with a sad tone.

"I'm fine Sehun and sorry I'm just busy. don't worry if I have free time I'll contact you quick" I said and tap his arm and smile.

"Oh yeah! That's great, so what are you doing here anyway? and who's this pretty girl beside you huh?" he asks and wiggles her brows somewhat teasing me.

"Oh! we have an appointment with Jimin! where is he? and Sehun this is Jennie my girlfriend and babe this is sehun" I introduced them.

"Nice to meet you sehun" Jennie said and offer a hand which is accepted by sehun they sake their hands and pull away.

"It's nice to meet my friend's very first girlfriend" he said and smile politely.
"Anyway, Jimin is in his office and painting her face. as usual" he said and we chuckle.

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