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I go inside the restaurant and roam my eyes. Once I saw yeri I walk towards her. "Hey!" I said and hug her. "Where's your boyfriend?" I ask.

"He goes to the comfort room," she said.
We ordered our food and yeri is the one who ordered her boyfriend's.

we're talking about something when someone spoke. "J-Jennie? Is that you?" I look up and to my surprise. It's Bambam! What is he doing here?..

"Bam?! Wait....don't tell me..." I said.

"Yes, I'm her boyfriend! Omo Jen! Nice to see you again!" Bam said and hug me which is I gave back. "Darling why you did not inform me that your cousin is Jennie?" Bam asks.

"U-uh well, I don't know too...did you two know each other? I mean how?" Yeri ask. I and Bam sat down. He sat beside her and I'm in front of them.

"Oh, God! She's Nini! Lisa's ex-girlfriend! I thought you know that" Bam said and Yeri look at me. Shocked.

"What?! All I know Is Nini but not Jennie! You are stupid! You didn't tell me the real name!" Yeri said and smack bambam.

"You did not ask!" Bam fight back.

"Aish...stop that," I said. I look like a mother here.

"So If you're Lisa's ex...Is it true that you-" yeri got cut off by the waiter.

"Here's your order Ma'am," he said and they put the food on the table and leave.

"Let's talk about that later. Let's eat first" I said.

We eat and Yeri and bam told me how they met and how Bambam court my cousin for a year. I find it ridiculous Lol!.

We finish eating and the waiter arrives again to clean the table and they give us a bottle of wine. "So tell us now," Bam said. "Did you really cheat on Lisa like what they said?" He asks.

"That's not true. Let me told you this story." I said then I started to tell them what Is really behind the pictures and I also told them about me seeing Taehyung as Lisa.

"You know Unnie. I think there's someone behind this. It's impossible. You said you saw taehyung a Lisa and I have this urge that someone put something in your drink" Yeri said.

Yeah, I think that too but who could it be?. I'm sure It's not the ajusshi because she even asks me If I'm okay the moment I drank It all. Maybe she saw something that time.

"You're right Yeri. I will talk to ajusshi once I landed in Korea." I said.

"So Lisa didn't listen to your explanation and Just run away?" Bam asks. "Wait...Did you know Lisa Is here?" Bam said.

"Yeah, I know. I tried to find her for four years but I just can't find her. I came here 3 years ago but I didn't see her here so I was shocked earlier to see her But I'm late. She's already In a relationship again" I sadly said.

The two look at each other and frown. "I cried so much. Just thinking of my child longing for their Dada Is so heartbreaking" I said.

"WHAT?!!!! YOU HAVE A CHILD WITH LISA?!!!" Bam stand up and ask me louder.

"Bam! Sit down! You caught so much attention! But... WHAT?! LISA IS THE FATHER OF THE TWINS?!" Yeri shouts too.

"TWINS??!!!" Bam again.

"Oh, God! Calm down! Let me explain!" I whisper yell. They both sit down. "Yeri I told you Daehan and Lucas father Is my ex which is Lisa. And yes bam I have a child with Lisa and they're twin...After she left I've been so stressed. I even tried to kill myself because I can't live without her. So after 2 weeks of longing for her, I pass out and that's when the doctor confirmed that I was 2 months pregnant." I explain.

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