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"It's about Hanbin...Am I right?" Someone spoke behind me.  I look to my back and saw Kai holding a cigarette.

"When did you start smoking you gay?" I ask.

"Just last year I guess? I just smoke when I'm stress" he said.

"And you're stress right now?" I ask and he nodded. "Did you get the letter too?" I ask referring to the letter that sends to them.

Since Kai and Taehyung is just the only one hanbin's family left the court will consider them and follow up them about hanbin's case. I heard Kai and Taehyung already settle with hanbin.

I mean they're already goods even though Hanbin kills their mother. But same as me they're shocked once they knew about Hanbin having mental health problems and they are the ones who are responsible to take care of him.

Taehyung said to me that they already forgave hanbin because hanbin regrets all his mistakes and that's the most important for them. he also said that hanbin is the only family they have so they want the three of them to be good again.

But I don't know why Kai being stress right now when in fact he should be happy because they can start their new beginning as a family. To be honest I'm somewhat disappointed with them.

I mean after doing horrible things towards them and to their mother they can easily forgive him just considering his sickness? that's ridiculous! but I can't blame them. Hanbin is their half-brother after all.

"I just got an email from the court of Justice saying Hanbin will be out tomorrow," he said.

"Then why you look like you're not happy? I mean this is what you and taehyung want. A new beginning for the three of you" I said frowning.

"Yeah we did but we felt guilty of course. I know he did a horrible thing to your family and also to us but I can't help it Lisa....he's the only family we have and I can't stomach it if we lost him too. I know he will change and already learn his lesson" he sadly tone.

"Don't worry. I'm not mad at you guys...I understand That he's your brother" I said and smile at him.

"I'm very sorry Lisa. I hope you can give him a second chance too. We always visit him every Sunday too and he doesn't look good. I mean he seems really reflecting on what he did" He said.

"I'm sorry to kai but I can't give him what you want" I said.

"I understand," he said. There's a long silence before he spoke again. "Don't worry Lis. I'll take him away from your family" he said and I look at him confused.

"What do you mean?"

"I and taehyung are planning to go back to Japan tomorrow to live there again but we check hanbin first if he will be fine to be here and he said it's okay with him we can leave him because he doesn't deserve our forgiveness but I disagree to that. Anyway as I'm saying we're supposed to fly back to Japan tomorrow morning but since Hanbin will release tomorrow...Maybe we'll take him too with us. I will move our flight" He said.

Did God hear my wish? He'll this is so fucking good to hear! "You'll do that?" I ask.

"Yeah, I will. If that's what makes you live your life with your family in peace" he said.

"Let me talk to him before you guys head off tomorrow" I said.

"Okay, we will fetch him to the Police head office and head straight to the airport. I guess you just go there" he said and I nodded.

Okay, I think I don't need to go to the police station tomorrow and just head to the airport. I still need to talk to hanbin but I will never do anything cause I don't want to waste my energy to her anymore. 

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