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OMG!! I'm super happy today! it's really my lucky day. first I got accepted to the club and I'm finally part of their club! And second Jennie and I go on a date or friendly date? Aisha! Whatever you called it.

All I know we go outside and have some small chitchats and just called it whatever you call it! I don't want to add that to my problem Lol!.

Lastly Jennie Kim fucking give me her phone number!! Oh my freakin God! I think I would pass out at any moment! I can't contain my happiness cause it's Jennie fucking Kim!

It felt good to hang out with Jennie I would like her to accompany me always Lol! anyway I'm hurt a little when she said that we're not together which is true but she said we will never be.

I don't know why the hell I'm feeling this but just to be honest It really affects me when she said that. I mean it's like she really doesn't like my annoying ass. 

I'm not really expecting to be more than friends with her because even me my self didn't know what the weird feeling I always felt whenever she's close to me or whenever she's smiling.

I am curious too about her ex-boyfriend she's really mad when I open that topic..hmmm? argh! I hate this! curiosity is killing me.

But whatever I will find out soon what's behind her weird act earlier and the truth about her past and if ever that guy did something to her in the past I will beat that guy!

As you can see my biceps and tone abs are well and no one can beat me haha kidding.

I enter our mansion and go upstairs to my room I take a cold bath to relax my mind because I'm still thinking about what to do next to make Jennie's heart flatter cause I love making her smile.

After almost 20 minutes of bathing, I came out and put on my pajamas and head downstairs to see my parent's in the living room I hope mum is already here because I miss her already.

You know  I hate it when she's coming home in the middle of the night and sometimes at 2 in the morning she's rushing to the hospital.

I can't do anything to make her stay and spend time with me cause I know it's her job to save people's existence and I already accepted the fact that Mum would only have a short time every day with me.

I reached the living room and I saw my mum and dad being lovey-dovey! Oh God please give me this relationship in the future! I approach them with a smile on my face.

"Hey mum! dad! why you two are still up? don't you have work tomorrow? and mum? don't you have duty today?" I ask and sit beside them they're watching a movie.

"Why so many questions? don't you want me here? and to answer that question of yours I'm here because it's my day off don't worry we'll spend the night watching a movie" my mum said as she hugs me "I miss you my princess"

"Mum! it's cringe when you call me Princess" I said in disgust.

"We'll call you Prince then" my dad said and they both laugh.

They are teasing me again! argh! Yes they know that I'm gay well if I want to be a girl I can be even I have birds down there but being attracted to a girl is really destined to my bird here hahaha! 

Anyway, they accept me as who I am because according to them there's nothing wrong with being gay as long as your not stepping others life. I love them so much.

"So Lisa how's your date with Jennie huh?" Dad said and wiggle her eyebrows...wait?! how did they know that?!

"Dad! are you stalking me? and how did you know that I'm with Jennie?" I said and raise my brow.

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