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"Excuse me Ms. Jennie" The butler called me. I look and his direction and he continued "Ms. Manoban is already outside waiting for you" The butler said. I nodded and bid my goodbyes to Mum and Dad.

I head outside where the limo is. I saw the door of the limo slowly opening. Once the door is fully open I saw my gorgeous girlfriend. She's so fucking hot! She's wearing a black suit with a tube inside. I can see her tone abs. Argh!

I'm so very lucky to have this beautiful handsome Lisa. Even it's just been 2 weeks since we got official I started to dream about our future family.

I don't know but this is the first time I dream to have a family and kids. And of course with lisa. I can see our future.

"Hey babe!" I back to my sense once lisa tap my cheeks to wake me from daydreaming.

As I said I'm going to drool first. "hey! I'm sorry I'm just daydreaming haha" I laugh awkwardly "My girlfriend is so fucking hot." I said and She smirks.

"Oh! Are you daydreaming about us making love?" She said and wiggle her eyebrows.

"Of course not! You pervert!" I said and roll my eyes.

"I'm just kidding nini. Anyways you are so stunning and beautiful, I nearly drool" she said and peck me on my lips.

"Thank you" I got shy suddenly.

"You're always welcome. So...let's go?" She said and offer her hand to me. I nodded and accept her hand. She helps me to climb in and Mr. Tang drives to the venue of the ball.

It didn't take long for us to arrive. Once Mr. Tang park the limo on the red carpet Lisa and I ready our self for us to look good at the pictures. I also heard there are media too.

See? Our university is so fucking incredible. So what are you waiting for? Enroll now!.
I mentally laugh, I'm like endorsing our university HAHAHAHA.

Lisa is the first to get out first after her solo shot she open the door for me to get out. All you can hear students murmuring and the click of the cameras.

3 pose in front of these cameras and done!. Lisa walk towards me and I clung to her arms. while walking our eyes are roaming. Finding the table of our friend.

"there they are!" Lisa squeal like a lost kid who found her mother. She drags me towards our table and there we saw Seulrene and chaesoo.

(Seulgi's OOTD)

(Seulgi's OOTD)

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(Irene's OOTD)

(Irene's OOTD)

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