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I park the car at the roadside and help her to climb out "Night market?!" She happily exclaim.

"Why? It's your first time?" I ask. The hell? What's her real childhood?

"Yeah, we have never been here before because my mother is very strict but I'm thankful she changed now" she said as she clung to my arms and we walk passing at the streets foods.

I know this ajumma that sells the best corndog in town. That's my favorite whenever I'm here. She knows me.

"Lisa! Long time no see!" She said and waved at me then smile.

"Same here ajumma!" I said and smile back. "we would like to order my favorite corndog. I want her to taste it" I said pointing to Jennie. Jennie smiled at her.

"Oh? I didn't know you have little cute sisters" she said and I nearly laugh but if I laugh I'm dead. Jennie's smile drops once she heard what ajumma said.

"You're mistaken Ajusshi. She's my girlfriend she's just cute size" I said and chuckled causing Jennie to elbow me.

"Oh! I'm sorry I didn't know! Hahaha" She laughs awkwardly.

"Mum?! Is Lisa is there?!" Her daughter squeal. Her daughter admit in front of me she has a crush on me and I tell her it's just infatuation so she doesn't need to be crazy in front of me but she said it's not so I just let her.

"Tzuyu! I told you to stop bothering Lisa" Ajumma said but Tzuyu didn't stop and she jump at me like it's okay.

I can feel some daggers at my back so I quickly unclasp her arm to my neck "You shouldn't do that tzuyu" I calmly said. Well she's kind and soft-hearted so if I tell her some harsh words she'll cry. That happened last time.

"Why? I told you I like you but you didn't appreciate it" She said getting teary.

"I appreciate it but I can't like you back. I can't force myself to like you the same way and besides I already have a girlfriend and I love her. We can be friends" I said as I smiled at her.

She just nodded and look down "Who's your girlfriend then?"

"Here!" I said as I pull Jennie beside me "She-" I got cut off by Tzuyu.

"Kim Jennie. I know" She said and smile at my Jennie and Jennie gave back.

"How did you know her?" ajumma asks.

"Mum tried to watch TV or read a newspaper. She's the second child of the great Kim duh!" She said 'as a matter of fact '

"Oh really? I'm sorry I didn't know"

"It's fine ajumma. Not all people need to know me" Jennie said. We order our corndog which Jennie likes very much.

She ordered more and more and I got scared because she might get cramps. Thankfully I manage to stop her. We walk and walk until we reach the park of the night market. Many couples are here the night view is beautiful the stars are sparkling and It's so peaceful.

"It's so relaxing hmmm" Jennie said. We sat on the bench and she clings to me again rest her head on my chest "I can hear your heartbeat Lili" she said as she slowly traces my heart. Not actually my boobs so don't imagine it!

"It's only beating for you baby, always you. I couldn't imagine myself with someone. Just you" I said and kiss her on the top of her head as I caress her shoulder.

"You know I just notice but whenever I'm with you I act differently. In a good way. I smile more and I laugh more. I don't even need to pretend everything is okay when it's not. With you I can drop the fake smile and put on the real one. I don't feel hurt and alone when I'm with you. Instead I feel safe and loved. You're easy to talk to and you listen to me. I don't have to worry about holding back with you. I don't feel self-conscious. I don't ever feel insecure and unloved...I love you so damn much Lalisa Manoban" She said and kiss me not too long but men I got hard! It's embarrassing! I think she felt it "Calm you bestie Lisa" She said and chuckled.

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