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It's been three days since the shit happened and It's been three days since Lisa is not coming home.

When I got home that night she's nowhere to be found. I even call her friends even Sehun and Jimin but they said Lisa is not with them.

I tell Auntie and uncle that Lisa is missing and they made action instantly. We report to the police so that they will help us to find Lisa.

I can't sleep at night. I'm always thinking about where she is or is she doing fine? Eating on time? I'm so restless for three days. I'm so worried about her. And this nausea and headache are getting along with my restless body.

I've been stress out these past few days. They keep saying to me that I need to rest and relax. like are they crazy? My girlfriend is missing and they will ask me to rest or relax? It's like asking me to give up and find another.

Days passed again but Lisa is still not showing up. It's been one week and she's still not coming home. I miss her. I miss her smell, I miss her in my arms, I miss her touch. I miss all about her.

I've been crying all night. Stress. Kept thinking if she left me. Our friends are always by my side to comfort me and I'm thankful for that.

Sometimes they will stay here at our house. But now they're not here. It's already 3 Am and I'm still up. Wide awake, waiting for her to come home.

"Please come home already baby" I said. I'm hugging the pillow that smells like her. "I miss you" I whispered and silently sob.

I'm tired of crying all night my eyes are sore. I didn't notice I drift into deep sleep slumber.


One week. It's been one week since I ran away to think. One week since I caught her. One week since all the question gives a clear answer.

I'm here at Busan where anyone is away from me. I left the city because I want to be alone. My phone is still off I never turn it on because if I do they will trace me. Same as my cards I never used them.

Luckily I have pocket money with me. Anyway, In one week I've been here inside the hotel. Drinking all day and night. Crying.

But now the weather is good so I decided to take a walk for the fresh air. It's not healthy to just stay here. I just realized it now.

I made my way to the elevator and press the ground floor button.


I go out and walk to the streets. It's so peaceful. While walking I saw this family happily walking around. Then I remember my dream family with Jennie.

I can't help but stare at them and tear up. "It's impossible now to have a happy family. I'm not meant to have" I mumble to myself and continue walking.

In one week my decision is still unsure. That's why I stay here for that long. My mind is kept debating. Well, I can't just decide that fast.

I walk and walk until I can't see the building where I'm staying. My eyes are roaming while walking. Until I spot the old granny singing while the people are passing are giving him money. I walk towards him.

You got me sippin' on something
I can't compare to nothing
I've ever known, I'm hoping
That after this fever I'll survive
I know I'm acting a bit crazy
Strung out, a little bit hazy
Hand over heart, I'm praying
That I'm gonna make it out alive

The bed's getting cold and you're not here
The future that we hold is so unclear
But I'm not alive until you call
And I'll bet the odds against it all
Save your advice 'cause I won't hear
You might be right, but I don't care
There's a million reasons why I should give you up

But the heart wants what it wants
The heart wants what it wants

This is a modern fairy tale
No happy endings
No wind in our sails
But I can't imagine a life without
Breathless moments
Breaking me down, down, down, down

The songs are like mad for me? Beacuse I'm so sick being in pain... I just want to walk around but it seems like my problem is like a dog keeps following me?

I put money on his cup and start to walk again while wiping my tears. "Is that a sign for me to let her go? I don't get it" I mumble. "Oh please God give me One more sign" I said as I look up for my tears to not fall again.

I was waiting for the stoplight to turn to the right light. I'm going across the street. I was about to go across the street when a bus stop in front of me and....there's the sign...It's like a note but I take it as a sign.

'When it hurts, let go. Remember what you deserve'

"I need to be strong" I whispered as I walk across the street and go to my hotel room to rest. I'll go home tomorrow. I'll make it easy for us "I don't want to be selfish anymore. I don't want to stay in our relationship where I'm Just  the only one who is happy"


"I'm getting worried about my sister, love" Chu said. Well yeah! That monkey is suddenly disappeared for I don't know the reason! I'll cut her balls!.

"Yeah me too! Jennie is been restless these past few days and she won't want to eat nor sleep. I don't know what to do anymore" I worriedly said.

"I will kill that friend of yours! If her reason is not valid I will cut her head. That monkey is getting on my nerves." The Chu said in frustration.

"Did you know if the two fought before this happened?" I ask.

"No. Jennie said before this happened she's annoyed with Lisa for not buying her an ice cream. But if that's the reason why Lisa is gone for a week I will chop her fucking dick and force my sister to eat! She's not eating anything! Maybe manoban's a dick will do!" She said. I laugh hard.

"Calm down love! You're stressing yourself! But I don't mind, it's a win/win for them HAHAHAAHAH" we laugh.

"HELLO, BITCHES!" Seulgi showed up! "oh chu! You appear stress out more than Jennie eh? Chill your tits you're going to be a CEO in a week! Yay! CEO chu!" She said in tease and dance like a kid.

"Go laugh at me! If the days come and you'll be the CEO I'm sure you will not handle it well and don't fucking ask for help!" The Chu said and smirked.

"Whatever chicken. Lisa is still there" Seulgi said.

"Lisa? She's not even here for a week and you'll ask for help? Duh!" The Chu said. Yeah, Jisoo is kinda pissed at Lisa cause Jennie is super stressed because of her.

"Don't worry seulgi! I'm still here!" Wendy said as she places her arm at seulgi's shoulder. To look cool.

Seulgi bumps her arm to her shoulder. "No I think I can handle it by myself...I'm scared my company might end up in bankruptcy" Seulgi said. Jisoo and Me laugh.


"Whatever wendy" Seulgi rolls her eyes. "Anyways guys. I know this is not the right time for me to plan this but I can't wait anymore!" Seulgi said.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I'm planning to propose to Irene. Well there's no occasion but still! I want to propose to her already so when the right time comes again We will be married" she explained. We look at her shocked. "Why are you guys looking at me like that?"

We all come to her and hug her! "Omg bear!! You're a grown-up! I'm so proud of you baby" Jisoo said and kiss her on the cheeks.

"Eww!! Don't you feel disgusted?!" Seulgi groan but chu didn't mind and pampered her a kiss. I pull Jisoo's ear and glared at her.

"You can marry seulgi if you want" I said and glared at her. She trembles and hugs me.

"Don't worry baby. I will only marry you!"

I WONT GIVE UPWhere stories live. Discover now