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It's already 8:30 Pm and here we are in the middle of the shore circling while there's a fire in the middle. In short we are doing a bonfire because the night is perfect and we don't want to go to our room yet.

We just finished our dinner earlier and we are already full but these idiots just can't get enough and they still want to eat dessert or what you call it.

Lisa is beside me with her arm in my waist and my head on her shoulder. We're just enjoying the heat that coming from the fire. Tonight is very cold but not as cold in Korea.

It's just fin but anyway we still want to do on fire we're not just the only one who is doing this because there are a few people too but they're far from our place and that's good.

Because they won't be able to hear our conversation. It's not that we're talking about killing someone it's just we don't want other people hearing our conversations.

Anyway, our children are here with us too because we don't want to leave them alone again to our suite and besides they are not sleepy so we brought them with us and the others do the same.

They're all playing with the sad just behind us. They just take a shower before we go downstairs and they are already playing with the sands again.

But whatever as long as they will behave I will let them and I'll just tell them later to take a shower again because I don't want them to sleep with a sandy body Lol.

"Here you go!" Wendy and seulgi said as they put down the bucket of beer.

Yeah, they decide too to drink tonight by I warn Lisa to take it easy because I don't want to carry her towards our room and she agrees.

After all, she doesn't want me to get angry with her Lol! My wife is really under by me but I love it because I can be able to decide what's good for her.

Alcohol is not good for her body too because just last week she was drunk again. She goes to a meeting outside that time but her dumb shit investor chooses the bar.

So they end up drunk and can't do anything because she's already drunk but I ban her to alcohol again because why not? I'm the one who is suffering every time she was drunk.

Lisa open the two bottles and offer one to me. "I don't want to drink" I said and push the bottle.

"Oh come on Jennie! Just for tonight!" Irene said.

"We have kids with us" I said.

"Just one bottle your no fun!" Chaeng said.

"Okay guys don't force her" Lisa said and put down the one bottle.

"Aishh Jennie never change!" Joy said.

"Yah! I do I'm drinking alcohol sometimes but just not right now" I said and they just roll their eyes not believing me.

"Mom can I borrow a sandcastle builder inside?" Daehan said pointing to the hotel building where we are staying in.

"Did they have that?" I ask because I'm not really sure If they have.

"I don't know too but I'm hoping" Daehan said.

"Wait let me asks your Dad" I said and nudge Lisa's side and she looks at me raising her eyebrows.

"Do you think they have sandcastle builder there?" I said posting the hotel too.

"I'm not sure why?" Lisa asks.

"I won't build sandcastle Dad!" Daehan said pouting.

"Really at night?" Lisa said.

"Please? We're really having a hard time building sandcastle using our little hand" Daehan said still pouting.

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