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It's our 4th day here in our old house and we have already done a lot of things that we really enjoy especially our babies.

I'm really thankful that Lisa bought us here. I miss this place and Daehan and Lucas love this place too so they're very much happy to be here with us.

I'm happy that finally, we're able to fulfil the days that we're not with them. they love different activities that we do these past few days.

Well me? I love it! Especially I'm with my family. My sickness is already gone and I'm more relaxed to be with here. If it's just possible to live here. I would love that.

Of course that's not going to happen because of the same reason.

Anyways I got a call from my mom and we talk about things that we missed. She talks about how are we and how are things are working for my family and of course I tell her everything is alright because that's the truth.

She tells me also that they're flying back to Seoul and she asks If we can have dinner when we got back. She misses her grandchildren so much.

So we're here now at the park in this village where the basketball court is. Lisa playing basketball with the boys. She knows how to play a little bit.

My baby Lia is beside me playing with her doll. Lisa bought it last day when we go to the mall near here. She said it's unfair if she will not buy a gift for Lia. So here it is.

I watch how my wife and sons laughing and playing. A smile crept on my face. It feels so great to saw them like this.

I notice they're already sweating a lot so I call them. "Guys! Come here! Y'all are sweating a lot!" I said.

I pull the towels I bring with us and a bottle of water. The three start to walk to us talking about something.

"Lucas can't dribbling the ball" Daehan said and chuckled. Lucas pout.

Lisa mess Lucas hair. "Don't worry Lucas. You will learn it eventually" she said.

"Come here Lucas, Daehan" I said and the twins go closer to me. I wipe their sweat and changed their tops and put towels on their back.

They seat beside me and drink their water. I look towards the pouting wife of mine. "Come here" I said. Her eyes lit up and sit beside me.

I stand up to the bench and wipe her face to my neck. To be honest she's so hot right now. "You find me hot. Didn't you?" Lisa said wiggling her eyebrows.

"Yes, why would I not? I'm your wife" I said and she chuckled.

I place the towel on her back too. "Well I find you hot too with that crop top and leggings" she said and wink. I blush.

"Yah! You pervert monkey!" I said and glared at her.

"Yeah and this monkey will tie you to the bed later" she whispers and I smack her shoulders.

"Aishah. Come on let's go home" I said and put lia down and hold her little hands.

We just walk here because we don't want to use a car and It's healthy to walk in the morning right?. Besides our house is just near here so yeah.

We start walking until we reach our house. Lisa and the kids go upstairs to take a bath and I'm here right now in our kitchen making lunch for them.

I started cooking Lisa's and Lucas favorite which is gamjatang and other dishes.

Lucas is very looks a like Lisa when it comes to personality and looks and even their favorites. I'm surprised why Lucas is merely like a mommy's boy.

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