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Three years later...

"MANOBAN!!!" I was started by the sudden outburst of Jennie. I stubbled on the floor because of her loud voice. Take note she's downstairs but she still manages to wake me up with her audible voice.

I did not waste time and go out to our room grumpily. I go downstairs and was welcome by a fuming kitten. I suddenly want to sleep again and don't wake up evermore. "W-why?" I nervously ask her.

"I told you to take care of our children while I'm going to the grocery. right?" She said.

It's Sunday and we're both off to work and she decided to do the grocery since we're out of stock already. She leaves and told me to take care of our children while she's doing the grocery but the Lazy Lisa didn't bother to stand up to her bed instead she continue her sleep. How stupid I am?.

"Y-yes?" I said.

"Then what did you do?" she's really rubbing it to my face!.

"I continue my sleep?" I said.

"Right! How dumb you are Manoban! Look what mess our children do!" She said pointing to the white sofa. Once I divert my eyes to the sofa my eyes went wide.

"What the-" before I can curse Jennie slap my Mouth.

"Shut up! Now clean that mess before I kicked you out!" She said and go to the kitchen.

Aish! they draw to our white sofa with a marker! As if it's a shit of paper! how can I get rid of it?! It's a permanent marker! Aish!

"What did you guys do? Did you know it's so difficult to erase that mess you just did?" I seriously said.

They all look at me pouting. "I'm sorry Dada! Hyung started it so I just do the same!" Lucas said.

"Daehan?" I turn my eyes to him.

"It's not me Dada! It's Lia!" He pointed to our two years old baby.

Lia knows Daehan is blaming her so she started to cry. fuck! I need to stop her before the fuming kitten heard it! Damn! What should I do?!.

I carried her and kiss her or do whatsoever to stop her. But she's not stopping. I didn't realize my two sons run to their mother and already report that Lia is crying! Lucas and Daehan are really bodyguards of Jennie! And I hate it!.

"What did you do this time Manoban!?!" Jennie glared at me.

"I didn't do anything. I swear!" I said.

"No mommy! Dada blame Lia that's why she's crying!" Lucas said and giggle along with his brother. I sigh. I know I'm already defeated again. Jennie will listen to them as always.

Jennie comes closer to me and steals Lia into my arms. "Do your work now" she said. If I don't love her that much I would really smack her!.

"Fuck it" I mumbled.

"What did you say?" Jennie said. What the hell! She heard it! What a pleasant morning!.


"Good" she said and leave with the three. Aissh!

I grab the towel and alcohol. Wishing all the saint to help me to remove all of this damn drawing.

While doing this. I want to tell you about my life after I married Jennie.

It's been 3 years since I marry her and my life changes. Happy life to happiest life. Did you get me?.

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