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The day

"Lucas! Please don't climb there!" I said as I stand up to put him down.

Wondering where are we? Well, we're at my office. I started working again here one week ago and Jennie too. This our life. If I don't have meetings I will let them come with me here in my office and when I have Meetings my parents or Jennie's will take care of them. I'm thinking of getting a nanny for them but all of them refuse. See? I'm helpless LOL.

It's been a week since I plan everything for my proposal. I already got the ring yesterday and it's hella beautiful. It's always in my car.

Everything is already set up all I need to do is propose to her. And it's going to be tonight. I'm going to ask her for a dinner. I hope she's not busy today cause she's been busy these past few days.

"Can we borrow your Ipad Dada?" Daehan ask.

"No baby. There are so many important files there" I said. "You have an iPad with you If I'm not mistaken. Why don't you used it instead?" I ask

"We don't want it anymore! It's an old version unlike yours! We told mommy to buy us new but she never did" Lucas said and pout.

"Dada, can you buy an iPad for us? Pretty please" Daehan said and giving me his cute cat eyes along with his brother. Aish! How can I say no to these two?.

I sigh and make a call to my new secretary.

"Good morning Ms. Manoban. What can I do for you?"

"I'll go out now, I already sign all the papers needed to be signed. Is there anything else?"

"Nothing else Important for this day Ms. Manoban" Suzy said.

"Okay, I'll go now," I said and hang up.

We're not even here for more than 3 hours then I'm going out already. Aishah thankfully there's nothing more important for today.

"Okay, we will go to the mall. But..." they look at me. Waiting for my next word. "When Mommy gets angry with me what would you say to her?"

They both look at each other and look at me again. "We will say that we want it and we will tell her to not get mad at you anymore" they said. I smile maliciously.

"Great! You're really my sons!" I said and mess their hair. "Let's go!" I hold their hand and we make our way to the elevator.

We arrive at the basement. We climb in my car. I drive for us earlier cause I just want it Lol.

We drive towards the mall. This mall is so big. We used to go here when we're still teenagers cause Jennie just can't stop doing shopping.

We go straight to the apple store. "Good Morning Ms. Manoban," they said and smile I just smile back.  I still can't believe that everywhere I go is they all know me. Am I that popular?

"What are you looking for?" The salesman asks.

"We would like to have the new edition of iPad," I said. Once Daehan and Lucas heard it they started to jump in happiness. They really want it.

"Ah! The iPad Pro 11! We have them here Miss" he said and we follow him. I'm still in my business attire that's why every girl here is looking at me. Why? Well because whenever I'm in my coat I'm hot or maybe even not.

"Dada!! This is it! I want this! Please!" Lucas said pointing to the space grey color of the iPad.

"Mee too! I want black!" Daehan said. I just smiled at them and look at the salesman.

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