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We finished eating. Irene and Chaeng and I were here next to our wives. They were drinking already. I let lisa drink for tonight because she looks like a hungry dog watching those dorks drinking. so I decided to let her and this monkey couldn't be happy!.

Our daughter and son are playing with Jinu and aleyna. I'm glad Jinu and Lucas are already fine.

Me, Chaeng, and Irene are talking with these four dorks about something like work-family life or whatsoever. These four are already drunk because they've been drinking for almost 2 hours. Irene already glaring at Seulgi giving her a sign to stop already but seulgi being seulgi didn't notice it.

"How's your pregnancy Unnie?" I ask Irene.

"It's all fine but sometimes I quickly got angry with seulgi even though she didn't do anything. I feel sorry for her but I can't help but get irritated every time I see her face. Sometimes I will kick her out of our room and will tell Aleyna to sleep with me instead" she sadly said. I know she felt sorry for what she's doing to seulgi but she can't stop it because It's her hormones.

"Don't worry Unnie. I know seulgi will Understand. Besides she seems excited to see her second child. It's all worth it I swear" I said.

"Yeah. I hope so. How about you? How's work?" She asks.

"She's still a workaholic same as her wife" chaeng answered. I roll my eyes.

"We're not workaholic. We're making time for our son and daughter. We never let them felt neglect" I said.

"If you say so" chaeng said mocking me.

"What's wrong with you?" I said.

"I'm just telling you. What Don't you quit to your work? I mean look at you, you barely take care of yourself and besides Lisa can provide all your needs" Chaeng said.

"I thought the same way girl" Irene said and high-fived with chaeng. I just look at them 'seriously?'

"You know guys I can't. I'm the only one who can manage the hospital. My Mum can't take it back anymore and this is my dream" I said.

"We're just suggesting what's good" Irene said. Before I could respond Lia call me. Tapping my thighs. I look down.

"Awe. Is my baby tired?" I ask as I carry her to sit on my Lap.

"I'm sweepy Mum" she said and yawning.

"I think she wants to sleep already Unnie" Chaeng said and I nod in agreement. "You can stay for tonight" She offers.

"We can't. Daehan and Lucas have class tomorrow" I said.

"Oh! I forgot! They're already going to school" She said.

"Yeah, I hope they will not give us a hard time," I said and chuckled. I look at Lisa and our gaze met.

"What?" She asks. She's drunk cause I can see it in her eyes. It's slowly closing, I think she's already sleepy too. Damn this Monkey.

"Let's go home," I said.

"Yah! You're no fun Jen!" Wendy said.

I smack her. "Idiot! We have to go! Lia is already sleepy" I said.

"You can let her sleep on your arms you know" wendy said.

"You can stay here and get wasted for the whole night because you don't have a child to take care of" I said

"Yah! Your so mean!" Wendy said. But I saw a sad flicker in her eyes.

"I'm sorry" I said.

"No, no! It's fine" she said and smile sadly.

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