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The conference is already done 3 hours ago and I can't help but be happy. Why? Because people start to apologize to me for the harsh word that they said to me. And all the shareholders stay in my company.

Well even if they all pull out their share it's okay because my company can stand by itself without them. My Dad is just pathetic Lol. Kidding.

Anyways, I'm here at my office signing papers that I still didn't sign. It's already 3:24 Pm and here I am working my ass even it's Sunday. I know I don't have work today but I just thought why not use this day to do all the papers I need to sign.

My secretary Is not here because she doesn't have work every Sunday but my other employees have. Of course, my company need employee every day. I owe them a lot and I will really give them buns.

My parents already go somewhere. They said they have a date today. See? Even they're already old they didn't forget to have a date. I love their relationship. I hope Jennie and I will be like them someday.

IU is in my house in the meantime. She stays today because she's taking care of my so- what the hell!!! I forgot them shit!.

I hurriedly stand up and pick my phone and key on my table. Oh god! How come I forgot them?! I'm really near to kill myself because of my stupidity!.

Jisoo called earlier she said she already drop Daehan at our house because daehan wants to go home to be with us. Oh shit! I'm doomed! Big time!.

Meanwhile at their house...

Lucas Is with his brother in their garden. You can see the frown on Lucas's face while his brother is happily playing with his truck.

Why Dada leave me? She said she will stay! She promises me! Why they're always leaving us! I want to be with them! I want to play with Dada again! I want Mommy to take a bath of me and feed me! I want them to show their love to me...but they're always leaving us. Lucas thought as he storms into their room. He saw Kuma is following him but he didn't mind it.

He climbs on his bed hugging his knee and cried. Kuma climbs in his bed too and starts to lick Lucas's tears and start to bark. It's like Kuma is only with him and can only understand him.

Lucas is still young but he is smart enough to know who is always with him and it's always their grandma and grandpa because their parents are always working. "Mommy doesn't love me. Dada doesn't love me" he said and sobs.

He put Kuma on his lap and hug him. "You're my only friend Kuku. My mom and dada leave me. They don't keep their promise and I hate them! They don't love me and they don't show their love to me!" He said as if Kuma will talk to him too.

He didn't notice that someone go inside their room. Daehan climbs on his brothers' bed and hugs his brother the moment he saw his's brother is crying. "What's wrong Lucas?" He asks

" d-doesn't l-love us! D-dada...break her promise." Lucas said and cried more.

"Don't think that Lucas. They love us" Daehan said.

"But they don't show it anymore! They're always working and we're always with grandma and grandpa" he said. They didn't notice that their Auntie IU is peeking at the door watching them.

"They show it...but It's not enough" Daehan said. Looks like all his little brother said is already sinking to him...he keeps silent and just watches his brother.

Back to lisa...

I enter our house. It's so quiet so I go straight to our kitchen to drink water. I've been so damn thirsty. I open the fridge and pick a glass of water. I close it and was startled because she's fucking standing right in front of me!. I clutch my chest.

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