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I woke up beacuse I felt Lisa's hand softly tapping my arm "Jen...wake up we're already here."

I look around but it's completely dark I can't see anything if not beacuse of the car passing by I wouldn't see the way. "where are we Lisa? it's too dark...I'm scared" I said as she helps me climb out.

"shhh...relax Jen I'm here. we need to go there beacuse there is our next location" we walk until in the Middle.

"You're crazy Lisa! what are we going to do here? are you planning to make love to me here huh?" she laughs.

"Oh god Jennie! Of course not. if I will make love with you why here if we can go to a comfortable place" she winks and I notice she's looking at her watch from time to time.

"Why are you looking at your watch from time to time? you're waiting for a person? to what? to rape me? oh please lisa don't!" I start to panic. Okay call me pathetic.

"Hell no! Can you please just relax? I love you I will never do that just wait a little bit"

after a minute I got surprised when the place starts to lit up the light and I look up and Omg!! this is amazing! we are here at the Namsan Tower! I did not know that this is the look of the tower when It's night and matching fireworks! OMG!!!! this is beautiful I got teary beacuse of this! Lisa is so romantic.

after a minute I got surprised when the place starts to lit up the light and I look up and Omg!! this is amazing! we are here at the Namsan Tower! I did not know that this is the look of the tower when It's night and matching fireworks! OMG!!!! th...

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I'm still looking up not aware of what lisa doing "this is wonderful lisa! how do you do this?! and we're just alone here! this is fucking beautiful and romantic! we look like filming here for drama hahaha" I said as I look at her and I see her already kneeling with a necklace in the box! Oh my god!

"I'm sorry if I didn't ask you yesterday to be my girlfriend beacuse honestly, I forgot because I'm so happy to know that you love me too so here I am! asking you today...You know Jennie I love you very much. would you believe me if I said that I clearly remember the day I met you? You were so stunning, so Wonderful, and so gorgeous. to the point I couldn't look at others anymore, my eyes are all yours, I nearly pass out because hell!  You took my breath. add to that you're so caring and kind person. I'm so fucking in love with you Jennie Kim! so today I'm asking you to be my girlfriend...will you be my girlfriend Jennie? my love? my partner in crime? or whatever just be mine Jennie Kim" she said and my tears keep shedding.

Am I dreaming?. if yes please don't wake me up. I wait too long for this to happen. I'm really in love with lisa.

What they said is true. The longer you wait for something the more you'll appreciate it when you get it cause anything worth having, is definitely worth waiting...

"Yes! I'll be your girlfriend Lisa" I happily said and she stands up before kissing me passionately.

"I love you Jennie. So freakin much!"

"I love you too Lisa" I said and she wore the necklace to me.

"Let's go there and eat I know your hungry and me too" she pointed to the fancy restaurant beside the Tower.

I WONT GIVE UPWhere stories live. Discover now