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"What the hell are you doing here? You disturb my sleeping beauty" I groan once I saw my sister standing in front of me.

"Just let me in Unnie" she said.

I open the door widely and let her in. we walk towards my living room. "You smell too bad. Are you drunk? What are you doing here?"

"Obviously I'm not that drunk. I'm sober up and Jennie and I fought" she said.

"Why? What did you do?!" I said.

"Relax...I'm your sister not her if you forgot" she said.

"Yeah I know but even I still don't meet your wife I'm sure she's great to be with and kind" I said and rolled my eyes she sat on the couch and I walk towards my kitchen to make us coffee.

I know it's in the middle of the night but I just feel like drinking coffee. I'm obsessed with coffee that's why I built a coffee shop.

I walk back and saw her looking to my big window. You can saw the view of Seoul here. I sat beside her. "What are you thinking? Care to share what you two fought about?" I said and she sighs.

She tells me what happened earlier starting from her going to the hospital. She looks so sad while she's telling me.

After our talk I accompany her to my guest room because she said she's already sleepy. I told her to take a shower first and let her borrow my clothes.

I was about to walk out of the guest room when I heard her phone rang again. It's been ringing since earlier but she doesn't want to pick it up. She said she doesn't want to talk to Jennie for now and she wants to clean her mind so that she would not snap at her wife. How sweet my sister is?.

I walk towards the nightstand and pick her phone. I decided to answer it outside. I'm sure Jennie can't sleep because I know she's worried about my stubborn sister.

Yeah she's stubborn because she didn't even let Jennie know where she is. Doesn't she know her wife will go insane.

I walk towards my living room and answer it.

"Hey Jennie! It's IU"

"IU?..w-who are you?"

"Oh! Don't worry I'm not just a random girl who will sleep with your wife. Especially she's my sister. I'm IU didn't you know me?"

"Oh god! I'm sorry Unnie. How could I forget you? Crazy me" she said and chuckled. I know it's a fake one.

"Hey Jen don't worry too much. Lisa is here and safe. She goes here drunk but she will be fine. Don't stress yourself Why are you still up by the way?"

"I'm worried about her and I thought she will come home tonight but I guess not" she said.

"Yeah, just wait for her tomorrow. She will come home tomorrow I promise you, okay? go sleep now"

"Thank you Unnie...and I'm sorry"

"Sorry for what?"

"I don't know..I just feel I need to say sorry for what I did tonight"

"No it's okay. It's no one's fault but Jennie thinks about what Lisa said...she tells me what happened" she doesn't respond so I continue. "I'm the one who will tell you this. I stay at your house for a day and I notice it too to your sons eyes. They felt lonely and I saw them both crying one time. I didn't tell Lisa that because I don't have time so yeah. Think about what's best for your family okay?"

"I'm so sorry Unnie...I promise to do my best this time"

"As I said. You don't need to say sorry but yeah... don't stress yourself and sleep now okay? There's still tomorrow to think if you forgot" I joke and we chuckle.

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