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"Follow them Lisa we don't know what's happening but for sure that guy causes Jennie real hard. go before that guy brutal her" Sana said I nod before running after them.

I don't know where to go because this university is too big I'm not sure where Jennie and that bastard go but I'm not planning to stop looking for where they are.

I keep running and running until my feet drag me to the parking lot. I stop on my way when I saw them in the middle of the parking lot. I'm not too far away from them and just enough to hear what they talking about but I can see Jennie is still crying.

"I'm sorry.. please.. forgive me for what I did in the past, please...let's start again. give me one more chance" the bastard guy said kneeling in front of Jennie.

I'm still watching them from afar and I don't know what this guy cause her but I'm sure that's extremely bad. if ever he doesn't go away to Jennie I'll punch this bastard. I'm just waiting for a cue to go there.

"Are you that crazy?! forgive you?! well fuck you!! that's all I can tell you! and don't expect me to give you another chance!!! you stupid dork, dumbass!!! you broke me! you ruined me! I wish I never met you! everything we had is just a mistake! I hate you to hell!! damn it! I hate myself for being with you in the past?! You're disgusting!" Jennie shouts at him but this bastard doesn't even care what Jennie is saying. 

That's it! I wouldn't just stay here and just watch him taking advantage of Jennie's weakness right now. this is my cue!

I didn't waste time and Instantly ran towards them and before the bastard guy could hug Jennie again I grabbed Hanbin's shoulder and pushed him away that cause him to stumble on the floor.

I punch and punch him until the right of his lips is already bleeding but I did not care and continued punching him. I was about to punch him for the final blow but Jennie held my arm.

"Stop it Lisa!" she said and hold my arm to prevent another punch.

I face her "Let me go! this bastard needs punishment for being a stubborn jerk! " I turn to Hanbin "Are you deaf? or just stupid? don't you hear her? get lost" I angrily said as my face is flickering because of anger.

"And who are you? you have no right to interfere in our problems. how dare you to punch my handsome face?" he said as he stood up.

"I'm her friend so I do have the right to interfere, especially if she is talking to a fool who can't understand a word to stay away from her" I calmly said still shooting him a deathly glare.

"Oh come on! you're just a friend? well, me? I'm her boyfriend so back off! don't act like a superhero here!" he said and push me. while me? I can't fucking utter a word.

 Did I hear it right? Does Jennie have a boyfriend? I can't move. he's right I'm just a friend and he's the boyfriend. I felt numb My knees are too weak to take a step.

But damn man! So all the time we're together is just nothing? she had a fucking boyfriend!! why I don't know about this?! what nonsense is this?!! I felt my heart broke into pieces...I didn't realize my tears are already drifting on my cheeks and already panting hard.

I hate this! I feel weak! I hate crying! I'm such a fool to think that she loves me too! that she feels the same! I hate myself for being delusional! I should have suppressed the love I was feeling just then! I shouldn't have let myself fall that too much for her!

"You're right...I'm just a friend...a-and y-you're the 'B-BOYFRIEND' " I emphasize the last word before running away from them.

my car is parked in the private parking lot behind this public parking lot. I heard Jennie called me but I never look back.

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