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I woke up beacuse there's fucking person who kept ringing and ringing our doorbell! I'll fucking smack her. She disturbs me.

was about to stand up when I realize I'm not in the bedroom and I'm not alone. There's Jisoo and Wendy, Seulgi. We're laying on the floor here in the living room

We're really drunk last night I don't remember what happened but what happens to Jennie and I are really unforgettable.

Aish! Hope we'll be fine. I stand up and I merely lost my balance because of dizziness, hangover.

I'm making my way to the kitchen to drink some pain reliever but the doorbell rang again "Oh! I forgot the person who disturbs my sleeping beauty"

Once unlocked the door the person behind quickly open it hard that cause me to bang it to my head and it worsened the headache I'm feeling.

But hell!! They're not just one! They're three!! Chaeng, Irene, and Jennie! What are they doing here?. Well, I'm thankful Jennie go home?

I waste not one I quickly hug Jennie but she didn't hug me back instead she back away. It's hurt me. I turn my gaze to Chaeng and Irene who are kicking their girlfriends while Wendy is sleeping peacefully.

"What are you doing here chaeng?" I ask confuse.

"Why don't you ask yourself that huh?" Jennie said.

The two idiots finally woke up and stand up next to me "What?" I ask them confuse.

Chaeng throws photographs at us and we all pick it...what we see is shock us! What the hell! We didn't hire some whores Last night! Yeah, I said I didn't remember what happened last night. But the photograph! It's unrealistic! I will not kiss a whore. We will never cheat on them!


"Someone send us that in our own apartment. Same time, same envelope, and same note!" Irene said and glare at seulgi.

"What? Notes? Can we see it?" I ask.

"Here!" Jennie throws it on my face. Rude.

I open the envelope where I saw the notes.

Looks like your girlfriend is happy without you, I wonder if they fuck? Maybe yes?

I look at Jennie and she's tearing up again. "'s not what you think please! Beli-"
But getting cut off by savage Jennie.

"I fucking hate you right now! So my instincts are right?! You are all the same! I thought you love me? I thought we're going to build our future family?! What happened?! Fucking womanizer!" She said and walk out again was about to run after her but Irene stop me.

"Don't you dare go after her! and you Kang Seulgi! If this is really not true! Give me proof! If you don't'll see" Irene said. She's not crying because she's red with anger and shame as chaeng.

Of course, Jennie is more hurt since yesterday. I need to prove to her that the picture is completely fake! At your first look you can see it immediately! I don't know they're smart but they didn't notice it?? It's just photoshop!

Once the three left Wendy woke up. "I dream guys! I heard someone is crying then shouting and hmmm I heard in my dreams seulgi yell! It seems like real" she said as we all sat down at the dining table.

Seulgi stands up and smacks her hard. "Stupid! It's real! You!!! We fought with our girlfriends because someone sends a picture to them of us dancing and kissing some whore when in fact it's just photoshop!" She said then her mood quickly changes. "What should we do chu? Lisa? I don't want Irene to break up with me. I love her" She said

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