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"Boss! Should we do the second plan?" Lucas ask.

"Are you dumb? Of course not! What we did to Lisa is still fresh. I'm sure they're still searching for us so let them cool until they forget what happened or drop out the case before we do the second plan again" I said.

"Then when? You already started a long time ago then now you're scared to be caught?" My best friend said. Daniel Kang.

"Hell no!  I just thought why end her life if we can do something more" I chuckle evilly.

"What?" Daniel ask.

"If I can't kill her then I will kill her inside. Emotionally to the point she will leave the country and forget my lovely girlfriend."  I said as I sit at my swivel chair. "For now let's let them be. And you!" I pointed Daniel. "Get revenge on Wendy. I know you want it too" I said and he smirks.

"Oh yeah! That's great!" He said.

Enjoy your days, weeks, or maybe even years Manoban. Jennie will be mine too, so soon.




Omg! Omg! This is it! It's our farewell to this university! I'm getting teary! Don't ask me why! I'm super happy. Just a little bit of struggle I will be the new CEO of the company! well and photographer!

Even I just study here in my last year of high school I'm still sad that we need to leave this university. The University where I met new friends and where I met Jennie well we actually met in our house but this University gives me a chance to be close with her too.

We're now seating at the venue of the graduation which is very luxurious. Our arrangement is alphabetical. Girls and boys are not together even if we're not classmates.

In our squad the first one who will be going to go to the stage is Irene, Jennie, Jisoo, seulgi, Me, Joy, wendy.

We're not sitting side by side because there are more students so we are far from each other. It's funny you know? The girl beside me. Her last name is Manotiba then Manubali. Gosh! I'm glad my last name is not that bad hahaha! Kidding.

The announcer starts to call students until it goes to "Bae Joo-Hyun best in Science, best in Math with honors."

"WHOOOOAH!! THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND!" Seulgi suddenly shouts and men! I can see from here Irene is looking so red from embarrassment. other students just squealed.

Once it's done to letter B they proceed at C As I said alphabetically. I'm waiting for someone to be called we'll she's my friend too since the day she tells me about herself.

"Cho Mi-Yeon" The convocation speaker called but no one is going to stage. He called the name three times but still no.

Once Miyeon didn't show up the speaker proceed to the next students. Where could you be Miyeon? It's fucking graduation?

Maybe she's sick or what.."Kim Jennie Ruby Jane. Best in science, Best in history, Best in English, rank 1 in quiz bee and with high honors" Wow?! Just wow?! She's super intelligent! I didn't waste time clap my hand so loud to the point my hand got reddish.

Our eyes met and I smiled at her and mouth her 'I love you' and she responds.

"Kim Ji-soo. Best in geography, Player of the year with first place in basketball" Well yeah! She's the best at that sport. She beat me!

What do you expect? "I love you chicken!! Whoa!!" Chaeng said while jumping. They are embarrassing God.

"Kang Seul-gi Best in chemistry" We all have our own intelligence so I believe all of us have awards.

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