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It's already 3 pm but we're still inside of this fucking mall. These two-woman with me can't stop their selves to buy all the thing that caught their attention. Well me too but the thing is I can control my self unlike them.

I'm surprised my babies here is not complaining. They never beg to go home and I want them to throw tantrums right now so that we can finally go home. I'm already tired of walking non-stop.

But this chipmunk bought the twin and lia a toy and tell them to just stay with us and she will buy more toys for them soon. The twins are so happy to hear that so they just stay still and follow their Auntie.

Well, me? I'm behind them carrying my so hyper Lia. Just wow right? Now that I need them to throw tantrums they don't do but when we're at home they'll always throw.

Oh god, save me.

"Jen! Look at this! Come here!" Chaeng said and motion me to come to them.

We're here in this Burberry store. I walk towards them and saw Chaeng holding lingerie. "What the hell is that?" I said.

"Lingerie obviously," Irene said and roll her eyes.

"I'm not dumb. I know it's lingerie but what the hell would I do to that thing?" I said frowning.

"Mommy, girls supposed to wear an undergarment so you should wear this" I was startled when Lucas walks in front of us and what's more surprised me when he states that. As if he knows what kind of undergarments is that thing.

Chaeng and Irene burst out laughing because of Lucas while I'm just giving them deaths glare.

"Why mom? Are you not wearing undergarments? You said to us it's not good if we-" I cut Daehan off.

"Aishh! Stop" I sigh. "This is your fucking fault, you're messing my boy's mind" I whisper to chaeng.

"Why? They're right Jen. It just undergarments duh!" She said and chuckled.

"Whatever" I said and give Lia to Irene and snatch the black lingerie and give it to the sales lady and tell her my size.

"I have a plan Jen" chaeng whispered to me.

"What again?" I ask. Annoyed.

"You should give Lisa a little show tonight" she said.

"What?" I ask confused.

"I know she's tired from her work and you should make her feel good later"

"What are you implying?" I ask.

"I have a plan and Lisa will love this! I promise you!" She excitedly said.


She didn't let me finish and drag me towards Irene and the kids. "Hey Irene Unnie. Please look after them in the meantime. We have a little plan here for our Jennie's lovely wife" Chaeng said and Irene nods excitedly as If she already knows Chaeng's plan.

"Yeah sure! Make it perfect chaeng!" Irene said.

Chaeng drag me outside of the store and we walk to the end of the mall where there's only one big store and it's all black and with neon lights.

I look at the sign and I saw the name of the store.


"what the hell are we doing here chaeng?!" I ask chaeng. Somewhat annoyed but there's this side of me I'm excited. I don't know.

"You want to make it up to Lisa right? You want to help her relax from her so tiring work right?" She said but I kept silent and just look at her. "You know she takes a leave for almost what? A week! and for sure she has so a bunch of paperwork then she has endless meetings...Aish poor monkey" Chaeng said shaking her head and was about to pull me back but I stop her.

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