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"Man! I'm going to Korea this coming Thursday. I'm Just wondering If you want to come with me? You know visit Korea. It's been a long time since we last go there." Bambam said.

"Are you stupid Bam? Look at your friend she's still not move on to her ex and you're going to ask her to go with you? Duh!" Yeri said and roll her eyes.

I look at them and frown. "Excuse me, Miss Porkchop? I object to what you just said. for your Information, I already move on" I said and roll my eyes too.

"Oh come on Miss bamboo stick. We all know here that you never move on with your ex or Nini? Aisha! whatever her name is. And If you did Then go with my boyfriend to Korea" she said and smirked. Her Boyfriend laughs hard.

"Darling. Stop challenging Lisa because she will not accept it" Bam said and chuckled.

"Hey! Hey! Don't underestimate me! If I just don't have a meeting in Japan I will go with you!" I said and roll my eyes. Well, that's a lie. I will never go back there.

"Oh I forgot you have to go to Japan that day...should I move my flight I Thursday?" Bambam said and smirk.

"No! Go alone without me. I'm busy" I said.

Bambam was about to say something but Yeri's phone started to ring. Yeri picks her phone. her eyes widen once she saw the caller ID.

"Hello, Unnie!" Yeri answered excitedly.

I look at bam and whispered to him. "Did yeri has a sibling?" I ask.

"She hasn't but she has cousins. I didn't know them" he whispers back. We got startled when Yeri started to jump and shout in excitement.

"What?!! When?!" She shouts so loud.

"Aish! Calm down porkchop!" I whisper yell but she didn't mind me.

"Yeah, sure! I'm coming! Just wait for me there" Yeri said and hang up. "babe! My cousin is here for vacation!! Omo! I'm going to pick her up at the airport and drop her at her bye!!" She said. She didn't wait for bam's answer. She just ran outside like a horse.

"Who's her cousin?" I ask because I'm so curious.

"I told you I don't have any Ideas even her name. All I know is her two cousins are both girls and for sure beautiful! Because that's Kims are!" He said. Yeah, all Kim is beautiful. I smile at my thoughts. "hold up! Did you want to meet her cousin? I mean like a setup date!" Bam said excitedly.

"Are you serious? There's no way I will do that!" I said as I stand up from my seat and get my bottle of whiskey.

"Just give it a try! I will ask Yeri to ask her cousin. Yeri said her cousin is single and that cousin of hers is still chasing her ex...still not move on like you!" Bam said and laugh hard. "I even ask Yeri If what the name of her cousin's name and she said she didn't know."

"No! I will not do that! I told you I don't want to love again." I said and roll my eyes.

"Who said you're going to love again? You're just going to give it a try duh!." He said. He's annoying! "Okay. I don't want to do this but I need to!. If you go on date with Yeri's cousin...I will not bother you anymore to go to Korea or tease you about Jen. But If you don't agree...I will drag Jennie here to see you!" He said and smirked. What the hell??!!! He's so smart man!.

"Aisha!!! Fine! But just this once bam. I'm telling you." I said seriously.

"Yes! I will just text you when Yeri already ask her cousin for approval" he said.

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