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After sending her message to her wife, Jennie happily enters the hospital building. She's so happy to be back in Seoul especially later. She can't wait to see her family and cook for them. She misses them so much.

While walking she's thinking about what would she cook for her family. She wants to make it up to them by cooking dinner tonight. Maybe their favorites food will do.

She goes inside the elevator and press the floor number where her office is. She's really tired but she needs to check the papers then she will free to go home to her family.

After minutes she arrives at her floor. She goes out and walks towards her office. She plops her ass to her swivel chair and sigh..."Aish! I'm so tired and this fucking headache of mine is kicking!" She said in frustration.

Last night after calling Lisa she still stays at the spot. She was so soaking wet from the rain but she never goes back because she wants to call her parents. She still didn't see them after weeks and never hear about them so she decided to call them besides she misses her parents.

After her call to her parents, she goes back to her room and cleans up. In the middle of the night, she woke up and hit by a headache. She catches a cold but she never tells it to her co-doctors even they're asking her this morning if she's okay.

Here she is now checking those paper and signing them. Being CMO and CEO of the hospital is very tiring but she can't complain because she wants this work too so she just bares with it.

The room was peacefully when her door bang open. "Dr. Manoban!! There's an emergency!" The nurse said.

"What? Why me? There's so may doc-" she cut off by nurse.

"You're the only cardiac doctor is available. Dr. Im is waiting for you in the O.R she'll be your assistant" the nurse said.

Jennie didn't waste time and pick her doctors coat and wear it. They ran towards the elevator and press the floor where the O.R are.

Once they arrive at the floor they hurriedly do their ritual and wear the scrubs. She was about to go Inside the O.R when someone holds her wrist. She looks back and she was shocked to see Mrs. Jung.

"Save my husband. Dr. Manoban, please I'm begging son is waiting for us" she said and look at me.

"I can't promise his life Mrs. Jung. I'm a doctor not God but I'll try my best" Jennie said and smile apologetically at her.

Jennie was confused about why Mr. Jung is in the operating room. She was sure that Mr. Jung's heart is perfectly fine. How come he is here and fighting for his life again?.

She brushes it off and goes inside. She was welcome by nayeon. She stops halfway because her headache kick again.

"Are you okay? Can you do the surgery?" Nayeon worriedly asks her.

"Yeah, I'm fine I can do this" Jennie said and start the surgery.

While Jennie is in the O.R her wife, Lisa heartily enters the hospital. Some nurse and doctor are greeting her because they know that she is the wife of their CMO.

Lisa goes inside the elevator and presses the floor number of her wife's office. She can't wait to hug her again and pampered her with her kisses.

After minutes she climbs out and walks towards Jennie's office. She knocks first but no one answer inside. She knocks so many times but still the same. No one is answering.

She pushes the door and was surprised that the door is open. She opens it widely and saw nothing. Her wife is not here so she decided to plop herself to the swivel chair and wait for her wife.

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