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"So care to share who is sunmi? And why your grandma is so fond of her?" Jennie ask.

We're here at the balcony, we went out here when we need fresh air. Anyway. It's already 8 pm We just finished eating.

"Are you sure you want to know? You might leave me...and I don't want that to happen" I said and look down.

"I will never do that, whatever it is, it's in the past already. So I don't think it's necessary to hate you right now" she said and smile at me. Reassuring smile.

"Before I met you I was a womanizer. never in my life do enter into a serious relationship. I just play with girls because girls use to play with my feelings too. Yeah, I love someone before we never had a label. I can say we're just fuck buddy, we agreed that no string attached, but I fell. I fell in love with her. I admit it to her and she said she felt the same. so we go on dates and we slept together. But one day, I just woke up she's nowhere to be found. She leaves me. Without saying a proper goodbye. She just left a note saying she doesn't love me, and she has a boyfriend. She just played with me and go with the flow. After that day I got revenge on girls too, I fuck them without them knowing my name and leave them like a toy after" I said and got teary, I regret doing that horrible thing.

"So sunmi?" She asks connecting the dots.

"Yeah, that girl is Sunmi. After a year she came back, begging me to back to her. But I dump her. It just happens that her grandma is my grandma's best friend. So she's always sticking to my grandma and poisoning my grandma's head until my grandma finds out we have passed so yeah she always bothers me comeback to sunmi because she wants Sunmi to be in law." I said and look at her. "I'm sorry".

"Why are you sorry?" She asks.

"Because I became a horrible person. You're not my first. I played with a woman's heart like Hanbin did to you. Are you going to leave me? It's fine I understand." I said and my tears drop on my cheeks. I know Jennie hates people like hanbin, and I'm one of them.

"Of course not! It's in the past, Lisa. I will never leave you, the fact that you changed for me is my biggest turn-on. What's important now is you reflect on what you did in the past and you changed for good." I can't help but cry. What did I do in the past to deserve this girl huh?. She's so understanding. I'm the luckiest, I'm going to marry this girl.

"Yeah, you deserve me." She said, I look at her confused.

"Did I said that out loud?" I ask.

"No, but you're self-conscious. Every time we talk like this you're always asking your self 'did I really deserve her?' So I know what your thinking. We deserve each other Lisa. Actually, you deserve me more than anyone else" she said and tiptoe to peck me.

"You really know me well. Huh?" I said.

"Yeah, we're two years already so I know everything you can do, you cannot. And anything else. I know every corner of your body too" she said in teasing.

"Oh! Shut up" I said she giggles. "Anyway, I'm sorry on behalf of my grandmother. She's really savage, we get used to it. Even bambam, she used to set a date to bambam but bambam got annoyed so he moves to abroad and study there. Our grandma never leaves us in peace unless we obey what she wants but don't worry she'll like you eventually." I said and side hugs her. She gets closer and rests her head on my chest. She always does that.

"It's fine, I understand her. She just wants what's the best for you" she said.

"But you're the best for me," I said annoyed. Can't believe her.

"I know," she said. "I love you, Lalisa." She said.

"Why so sudden?" I ask.

"I just feel like I need to say that right now"

"Awe! I love you too Jennie Kim, I will change your last name. I promise you that." I said.

"Oh? But Kim is beautiful, but I don't mind Manoban. It's unique" she said chuckled.

"It's getting cold here, let's go inside and sleep, I still have defense tomorrow," I said and we go straight to the bed and sleep.



I thought that you'd remember, but it seems that you forgot
It's hard for me to blame you when you were already lost
Oh, yeah
I'm tired of always waiting
Oh, yeah, yeah
I see you changed your number, that's why you don't get my calls
I gave you all of me, now you don't wanna be involved
Oh, yeah, yeah
I really gotta face it
Oh, yeah, yeah

I just wanna be the one
But to you, we're already done
Tell me, why'd you have to hit and run me?
Now I'm all alone, crying ugly
You broke my heart just for fun
Took my love and just left me numb
Now it's eight in the morning
Hate in the morning (All because of you)

I'm here at the café just near the university, I'm alone because lisa is still in her room they had defense today so I told her I will just wait for her here because I feel like I want coffee and red velvet cake.

I'm listening to some random music from Spotify, I think this song is GONE by I don't know who is the artist. I just listen to it but this music really hit differently.

I'm humming..when someone approaches me "hey Jennie! What coincidence!" I look up and saw the guy I hate to see.

"What are you doing here? I'm starting to think you're stalking me!" I said and glared at him.

"Relax, I'm not following you okay, I just drop by for a coffee duh," he said. "I see, Manoban is not with you, do you mind me joining you?"

"Hell no, there's so many vacant. Go sit there" I said and didn't mind him anymore. He left. I thought he will never come again but he comes with coffee. he sat across me and tried to talk to me but I completely ignore him.

"You two look good together." someone said.

Before I can say something taehyung spoke. "Yeah, my girlfriend is really pretty." He said. I look at the person to deny it but to my surprise. It's Lisa's grandma.

I stand up and bow to her. "It's not what you think!" I said, defend myself.

"Oh? What do you think will lisa feel once she found out that her girlfriend is in a relationship with someone else?" She said and smile at me devilishly.

Forgive me lisa but I'm starting to hate your bitch grandma. "No, he's not my boyfriend. He's just annoying stupid." I said and look at taehyung and glare at him. My blood is starting to boil.

"Oh poor guy, your girlfriend here is denying that you're her boyfriend. And did you even know she's cheating on you? I mean you and my granddaughter are being played by this girl" she said and smirked. Look at me intently.

"I said he's not my boyfriend!! I'm only committed by a certain person! And that is Lisa! I'm trying to be polite to you but you testing my patient you ugly bitch old woman!" I snapped mother fucker!

"What a disrespectful kid. I knew it! I knew from the start that you're no good to Lisa."

"I'm kind as hell to those people who are kind and respecting me. but don't expect me to be respectful to you when you're the one who is bitch here. You can't just decide for your grandchild who to marry. Yes, you're grandma but you are not a God to know who is Good or bad for your grandchild. You don't even know me, and you started to judge me. Don't expect the invitation to our wedding because you will not receive one! witch is not allowed!" I'm really angry with this woman. I left her there with taehyung with their mouth agape. They don't know who they're up to.

I'm walking towards the university when I received a text from Lisa.


I'm already at the home, I had a stomachache. Just ask Jisoo unnie to give you a lift.

Aww, poor baby. I don't want to bother Jisoo unnie so I just called for a cab.

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