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Their 1 ride to banana boat turn to 4 they're like kids who are really enjoying the banana boat and they just can't stop. The power puff girls are happily riding.

It looks like to forget about the two boys. They seem to not remember what brought them here to station 2. All of them are laughing when someone will fell on the water.

"Faster!! Woah!" Seulgi shouts as she jumps up and down on the banana boat.

"Woah! This is fun!" Jisoo shouts and waves her two hands causing her to fell into the water.

"Stupid! Hahaha!" The three laugh at her silliness. The banana boat stops once again but this four dork once to ride again.

"Sir one more!" Wendy said and the guy who is riding the jet ski sigh.

He's already third because he's been riding the jet skis for so long and her arms are already felt numb but he can't complain because his two bosses are too one who asks.

"Yeah! We will not stop until Lisa falls on the water too! It's unfair!" Jisoo said and Lisa just chuckled.

"You wish!" Lisa said and laugh hard. They've been riding the boat since earlier but she never falls in the water.

The banana boat moves once again causing the four to squeal like a kid. While there are having fun with their own world there are two little boys who kept teasing each other unaware that this parent is already worried about them.

"Lucas! I told you this is how cool men walk. You need to show your chest like a bodybuilder!" Jinu said as he shows to Lucas how to walk.

"You look like a chicken if you walk like that!" Lucas said and laugh.

"Aish! We need to look cool so women will approach us! Okay?!" Jinu said.

"Okay! But what is the time now? I'm hungry" Lucas said.

Unfortunately, they're in station 3 they kept walk in and walk in without knowing that they're already so far with their parents and they seem to not care.

"Uhmm I don't know! But I think it's still morning" Jinu said.

"Right! It's still morning!" Lucas said. "So what are we gonna do now?" He asks.

"Uhmm....AHA! My moma said you need to be attractive to be noticed by others!" He said.

"So?.." Lucas looks at him confused.

"We need to push up okay?! Let's go!" Jinu said and kneel down to the shore and position his self.

"We're going to do this here on the shore?" Lucas asks.

"Of course because girls are just in front of us!" He said and Lucas happily nods and do the same.

They push up 5 times and Lucas already groans. "This is tiring! Is there something else?" Lucas said and stand up.

Jinu stands up too. "Yeah! Moma tell me how my mom and her met!" Jinu said. "Moma said she met mommy because mommy spilled her juice to moma!" He excitedly said.

They look at each other and smile widely. "We need Juice!" They both said in Unison.

"But where are we gonna get juice?" Jinu said.

"There!" Lucas said and point to the stall of Orange Juice.

"We don't have money!" Jinu said.

"Aissh! Just watch and learn!" Lucas said and they ran together towards the stall.

The two cute boys caught some attention to others because some of the people have been watching them since earlier but they are too busy to notice it.

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