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The New year

Oh my freakin god! Today December 31 is tonight's event and to greet the new year later! I'm so excited and I can't wait to go to the company.

Yeah we held the event in the company because we have a big open ground there and we hire some event designers to make it more beautiful.

My dad and I made sure that the foods are delicious and we made sure too that event will go to end on a peaceful night. Since there are so many elites people our securities team are present later to make sure that no one will go inside without invitation.

It's for our safety because we heard to other companies who held a big event that their event got so messy and we don't want to be like that. We Manoban are perfectionists Lol.

It's not like this is our first big event actually this for I don't know! Anyway, tonight's banquet is so special not only because it's the new year but we are going to celebrate our success too!

Jisoo and I's project is successful! Since the opening of the resort many tourists from other countries and getting in and out of the resort! Our resort even featured in the news because it became a famous and the best resort in Hawaii.

They love the white shore and the emerald water and the view! They even give the resort a five-star every booking! Argh! I love them and I'm so happy that Jisoo and I's project is successful.

Our parents are really proud of us well even our wife and friends. Jisoo and I really expect this because of hell! We spent a billion on the project.

Hotels, cabins, yachts, jetski! It's a pull package and whatsoever that needed to be built in the resort or things that every visitor needs.

But the cost per day is no joke too. I think only rich people can go there. Well, it's business so we need to think about the cost. Some are complaining why it's so expensive but we never mind them lol.

We're businesswomen and that's how it works. We need a brain to how we make money and that's it. No more explanation if you think it's expensive for your weeks of vacation then go find another resort duh!

Anyway, it's already 10:05 Pm and we need to be at the Manoban building before 10:30 because that's the event will be started. I'm here on the couch in our living room waiting for them.

As always they're so slow. Lucas and Daehan are so picky with their suits that's why Jennie is having a hard time. The twins really want to be handsome that's why.

My Lia is already in her dress and she's seating beside me. She's so quiet I don't why...after so long of waiting the twins with my so gorgeous wife came down.

Jennie's gorgeous face never banish! Even she doesn't have to make up she's the goddess. Her bare face is beautiful and If you ask me...I like it more when she doesn't have to make up.

"Do I look handsome with this Dad?" Lucas asks as he posts like a model. Showing his watch.

"Yeah, you do. You look like me! You're so handsome Lucas" I said and high-five him.

"You're handsome to dad! But just today because it's a new year!" He said and I roll my eyes.

Aish! This kid! When will he open his eyes and admit that I'm the most handsome he ever met? He even looks like me yet he doesn't admit that I'm cool too!

"How about me Dad? Mom helps me pick this suit" Daehan said.

"You look good too Daehanie! You always do by the way" I said and smile at him and he hugs my torso.

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