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Monday came and Lisa already goes to work early in the morning. She insists to drop Daehan and Lucas off school but I disagree.

I told her that she needs to be there In time cause she has a meeting and If she waits for the twin she will be late. Besides I'm here now and I want to be the one to drop them and fetch them every day.

My boys and Lia are already downstairs waiting for me. I just take a bath and wear my outfit for today. Lia is with us because no one will look after her.

Lia and I will be Daehan and Lucas's service starting today. Both of us will always stay at home Lol.

Once I already finish putting on light make-up and I head downstairs. "Okay guys pick your backpacks now. We will go" I said as I pick Lia.

"Where's my bag Mum?" She asks and I giggle at her cuteness. She's frowning.

"You don't need a bag baby. We will drop your hyung at their school okay?" I said as we make our way to my car.

I put on their seatbelts and go to the driver's seat. I start the engine and drive towards the school.

"Thank god there's no traffic," I said as I smile. I don't know...I'm just happy I guess? Well, it's feel so good to do this kind of things to them.

"Are you going to fetch us too Mommy?" Lucas ask.

"Yes, starting from now I will be the one to fetch and drop you guys" I said.

"Yey! I love you, mommy!" They said in unison.

"I love you too guys" I said.

"Wuv you Mum!" Lia squeal and giggle.

Didn't take long we arrive In front of their gate. I help Daehan and Lucas to go out. "Stay here Lia. Mommy will just take them to the gate okay? I'll be quick" I said and kiss Lia's Temple.

The gate is not that far so I walk them to the gate. Once we arrive they kiss me on my cheek and I do the same. "Behave okay? eat the foods that I prepare for you guys. I'll see you later boys" I said and kiss them to their forehead.

"Bye, mom!" They said and go inside.

I walk towards the car and saw Lia already sleeping. "Such a dozer like her Dada," I said and shake my head.

I start the engine and drive back to our house. We arrive and I carry Lia to their room. I put her in her crib and I change into my comfortable clothes and start doing my chores.

I start vacuuming the whole house. The look of our house will surely going to exhaust me after but nevermind I always do this but the new is, it's not weekend so I don't have Lisa to help me.

"Let the General cleaning begin!" I said and laugh at myself. I vacuum the first floor first and go upstairs after.

After that I mop around and collect the dirty shirt to the room of my babies and our room. I put it in our laundry room for the meantime while I'm going to wipe the dust all over the things.

After dusting the figurines and other things I go to our room again and change our bedsheet and pillowcase same as Lucas and Daehan's room.

Once I'm done I go to the laundry room and start separating the white to colors clothes. I put them in the washing machine and set the time.

It took me almost one hour before I finish the laundry and I'm very exhausted. I walk towards our living room and plop my ass on the couch.

Congrats to me I finish all the house chores in just...I fish my phone in my pocket and saw the time. 11:14

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