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It's been three days since I came back here To Korea. daehan has been released from the hospital one day ago and I decided to stay here at my parents Mansion in the meantime.

I continue my leave even I'm here already because I want to make it up to my son. so We're Just here at the mansion playing...Daehan doesn't want to go out and he doesn't want me to be away from him even for a minute.

Daehan Is been acting so weird around Us I don't know he won't want to come to anyone even to me. Hanbin told him If he come with him and Lucas to the park he will buy Daehan his dream bike...but to my surprise..he didn't agree so I told hanbin to don't go to the park anymore and Just let my sons stay here In the house.

Daehan even told me he doesn't want visitors so I Inform the squad to not come here in the meantime. They ask why but I just didn't reply.

It's Sunday. Lisa and I are still talking when I'm alone she'll call and when I'm with others we're just going to text each other. You're wondering why?...well she said she wants to be here once we tell them we're back together. Yes, I forgot to tell you.

I'm currently here and in the playroom with them. my parents made this playroom for them so that If we go here they'll not be bored. Lisa's parents came here yesterday but they did not stay that long they just visit daehan..but daehan Is so quiet...when I talk to him he will answer me shortly. It's like something Is bothering him but he's not saying it to me...I ask him one time but he said he's just not in the mood. But I don't believe him. Aishah.

"Mommy! Look at these Dinosaurs! It's s so cool! Uncle Hanbin bought me this when you were away" Lucas said and show me his big dinosaur.

I'm starting to get upset with Hanbin. I told him don't spoil them because I don't want them to be a brat like me when I was a child!.

"Baby...I told you when Uncle hanbin Is buying you toys don't accept them" I said.

"But this is so amazing mom...I can't help" he said and look and me apologetically.

"Aish...that's your always excuse," I said and rolled my eyes. But to my surprise, he rolls his eyes too!. "Hey! Hey! Who teach you that?" I seriously said.

"Mom it's so obvious...You!" He said and ran away to me and laugh so hard. Yeah he's right I'm such a bad Influence.


My phone lit up and a  smile formed on my face. Lisa, she texts me.


Hey, hon! It's my last day here and tomorrow I will go back to France again...Is there a chance you'll go back there?:(

Oh god...


I'm sorry Hon but I don't know. My leave Is over and I need to go back to work tomorrow:( I'm so sorry.

I want to go back there to continue my vacation but I can't I have my family here and many patients need to be saved by me...hehe.


Dr. Kim, I'm sick...I need you to check me up...I need vitamin P.


silly! And what Vitamin P? Vitamin P Is a flavonoid, however, It's not actually Vitamin!

I laugh so hard...Lisa Is still the dumb person I met and I love.

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