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I'm here in my room laying flat on my bed while on call with my friend chaeng.
I told her what happened earlier and she's happy to know that Lisa loves me too, well she's the only one who knows my feelings toward Lisa it's our secret.

"So what now? did she asks you to be her girlfriend?" she ask.

That question shut my mouth for a minute. hell we love each other but she hasn't asked me yet...maybe tomorrow? or next week? next month? oh fuck! I want her to be mine already!

"Well...not yet? I don't know! what matters now is we love each other right?"

"No! that's ridiculous! you know that many girls are after Lisa and they will  not stop until Lisa is already taken!"  She yells on the phone.

Oh god! what chaeng tell is true! I hate lisa for being beautiful-handsome.

"You're right but is it awkward if I'm the one who will ask her?"  I ask.

"for me? yes because she's the man in the relationship she's the one who needs to ask you to be hers right? look Jisoo is the one who asks me the same as seulgi to irene.. you just need to wait for her"

"But it's different to you and Jisoo Unnie!  Lisa is slow you know?"  Argh! I'm too desperate to be her girlfriend or I'm just excited? Aishah whatever.

"Jen! don't worry that much I'm sure lisa is going to ask you. Lisa is smarter than your sister remember that" she said and I chuckle. She's so real with her words hahaha!

"Right! I just can't wait to be hers. Anyways it's already late, we must sleep"

"Yeah... I'm sleepy too goodnight Jen!"  She said and I say my good night's and I hang up.

I place my phone on my nightstand and drip to a sleep slumber.


I was awakened by my fucking ringing phone. I groan because of the disturbance as I took my phone on the nightstand and answer it without looking at the caller ID.

"For heaven's sake! I'm still sleepy!" I angrily yell.

"Oh! I'm so sorry Jennie. I didn't know" Shit that voice is familiar I froze once I saw the caller ID.. hell it's Lisa!

"Oh God! Lisa! I'm sorry I didn't know It's you. I'm sorry for yelling.  It's just I'm still sleepy but forget that! So why did you call early this morning?"

" l'm just thinking if you're free later? I mean I want to ask you if you want to have U-Uhm...lunch with me?" Oh is she asking me out? I giggle beacuse of her cuteness.

"Are you asking me out Manoban?" I tease her.

"No! I mean yes...Ugh! whatever. If you call it a date then it's a date" She nervously said.

I laugh "Yes I'm free where are we going anyway?"

"It's a secret Jennie just wear some comfortable outfit.  I'll pick you up later! bye! see you later!"

"So full of surprises! bye! see you later too!" I said and hang up.

I stand up to my bed and quickly took a bath before going downstairs To the dining room. I saw my sister and parents there seating at a long table and having breakfast.

"Good morning Dad, Mum" I greet them  happily as I kiss them on their cheek and sat beside Jisoo "Morning unnie"

"Morning Jen. what's up with you? you seem happy huh? I'm thinking if you and Lisa are already official" Jisoo tease that makes me choke on the air.

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