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I'm in deep thought when my phone rang. We're still here at the Ice cream parlor near the Hospital.

"Hello? This is Dr. Kim. How can I help you?" I answer politely. I always answered my calls like that when it's an unknown number. Who knows? Maybe they're my patients.

"Hey, Jen! This is D.O!"

"Oh hey D.O! Long time no call huh? I mean no chitchats. Anyway, why did you call?"

"I call because I have a little report about the case you gave me 5 years ago. We still didn't know who is the mastermind but we have a lead! I mean this is a big step over five years of finding the culprit!" D.O said.

D.O is a friend of mine. He's a private investigator. Let's just call him Officer of South Korea.

5 years ago when I found out that Lisa told the investigator that her father hired to stop the investigation. the name of that old man is Wang...Jackson's father. So yeah, the day I found out I called D.O before confronting lisa that time.

D.O is been working under me for 5 freaking years along with his team!. To those years that past they didn't find any clue or suspect. That culprit is good at hiding. I'm wondering if he or she joins the Olympics like hide and seek. lol! Kidding.

So as I was saying D.O works under me and it's a miracle that they already had at least One lead to answer all the shit happened a long time ago. I want someone to pay for what happened to lisa.

"Really?! That's great! can you tell it to me now? I'm so eager to kill that guy if he or she wouldn't tell us who's the mastermind!" I said with mixed emotions. Happy and anger.

"Calm down Jen! You're not allowed to know it yet...and besides, the guy Is not here In Korea. They're In Japan. They move there 4 years ago." He said. They're? It's mean it's not just one!

"That's stupid! I have the right to know who is it! It's stressing me out!" I said.

"I'm sorry, but all I can tell you is It's a Boy. That's all." He said apologetically.

"Argh! Fine but please let me know If it's already allowed" I said and hang up. I sigh.

"What is it, Jen?" Wendy ask. I nearly forgot I'm with them. They know that I continue the case. I told them a year ago.

"It's D.O...let's talk about it later. Yeah?" I ask they nodded.

"Mommy! Mommy! I finish my Ice cream and I want more!" Daehan said. He's like me. Ice cream addict.

"Hyung! You're going to be fat If you continue eat like Auntie rosé!" Lucas said and seulgi and wendy laugh.

"It's fine! At least I'm not a messy eater like you!" Daehan said.

Lucas is about to answer back to his Hyung but I stop him. He's really like Lisa! Well, she's a photocopy of lisa. Rounded Eye, brown eyes, tall and more!

"Stop answering back to your hyung Lucas," I said as I wiped his Mouth.

"But Mommy! He teases me!" Lucas whimper.

"You're the first one!" Argh! Here we go again. Fighting over little things.

"I pity you, Jennie," seulgi said and chuckled. I just roll my eyes.

"Okay stop It already. Lucas says sorry to your hyung. You shouldn't insult him" I said
"Lucas?" He sigh.

"I'm sorry hyung. I will not do it again" he said and hug his hyung. Sometimes they're getting along but sometimes not.

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