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We spend our lunch with Dahyun and Sana. We told them everything and they're surprised because they didn't know that we split up. Maybe because they leave Seoul and they didn't hear anything about us.

After lunch, we part our ways because they said they're already leaving tonight. Their vacation here is over so we let them even we want to spend our time with them because it's been a long time since we last saw them but as I said. They need to pack their things so yeah.

We go to different Famous museums here in Paris we enjoy it and we never left our sons. Well, we can't risk leaving them again alone.

It's already 7:43 Pm and we're here sitting on the ground with other people. Couples, Family, Friends. We're in front of the Eiffel tower cause this Eiffel tower will light up at any moment. It's always like this every night. They always waiting for this moment and they will film it and post it.

I love this moment. I want to go around the world with my family. I want to Discover anything that I didn't discover before but this time with my family.

Jennie's head is on my shoulder while her both hand are holding my hand As If I will run away.

Daehan and Lucas are seating in front of us and staring intently at the tower. They're waiting for it. The tower will light up at 8:00 and it's already 7:58.

I'm checking my phone and suddenly an Idea pop into my head. "Hey Daehan, Lucas," I call their attention.

They look at me. "Why Dada?" They said in unison and laugh. They find it funny I guess.

"Stand up there and I will film you guys. Pali!" I said. It's 7:59 It's only a minute before it starts. They quickly stand up and I motion them to look at the tower.

Didn't take long the Eiffel tower Lit up in a different color but after minutes It stays with yellow color.

My both sons jump in happiness. "Wooow!!" They said.

I already saw this Eiffel tower so many times. Night and Day but It's different when you're with your loved ones. It's so heart whelming to saw this scenario with your family.

I'm lost in my thoughts until Jennie peck my lips. "I love you," she said and smile at me.

I kiss her temple, nose, and lips. "I love you too. So so much!" I said and side hug her.

We stay there for almost half an hour and decided to eat dinner at the Le Bistro Parisien. It's located where you can see the beautiful tower.

I pull the chair for my lovely girlfriend and my sons. Did you know I'm not comfortable calling her 'my girlfriend' because I want to call her 'my wife' already LOL soon.

"puis-je avoir vos commandes Madame?" The waiter asks in french. We told him what we want and he said it will arrive in 10 minutes.

"Why we can't understand them?" Lucas ask. Annoyed.

"It's because the language here and In Korea is different Lucas," Jennie said. Jennie can understand a little French because she said she studied before but got tired so she stops.

"We want to learn too!" Daehan said.

"Yeah!" Lucas said too.

"It's tiring you know?" Jennie said. Ahh! She's lazy e?

But I did not mind her. "Yeah sure. Let's start now." I said and smiled at them. My sons look at me excitedly. "So when the waiter arrives you need to say thank you for their great service, okay?" I said.

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