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She walks hastily towards the bench because she said someone might steal that spot for us but before she reaches the bench she suddenly stops and I don't know why so I ran towards her.

"What's wrong?" I worriedly ask.

She pouts and glances down and me. "I think my sandals got torn" she said and pout even more.

I kneel down and check her sandals and it's really torn. "Yeah right" I said.

"Aishh! What a night! How can be able to walk now?" She said and I stand up again

"Of course I have a way" I said and turn my back to her and bend down.

"What?" I heard her mumbled.

"Come one climb on me" I said.

"I'm heavy" she admits and I chuckle.

"No, you're not fat Nini and I'm strong if ever" I said.

"Ugh fine" she said and she finally climbs on my back and I walk towards the bench.

"There are still a lot of stalls" she said as she munches her takoyaki and I eat the hotdog.

"And you're planning to go to the stalls one by one?" I said and she smacks my arms.

"Hey! What do you think I am?" She said and glared at me

"You know Nini I love joking around" I said and awkwardly laugh.

"We should buy something for Lia" she suddenly said.

"You're really financing her eating a lot of foods...no wonder she's fat" I said.

"She is cute though" she said. There's a long silence before she spoke again. "Hon...If I can be able to be pregnant again...do you still want to have another baby?" She asks and looking at me.

"Uhmm...of course I would love to have so many little Lisa and Jennie" I said and smile at her. "I mean they are made to our love so I will really love to have one again" I added.

She just looks at me with teary eyes..."I'm sorry" she said a tear fell on her cheeks.

I move closer to her and place her food beside us before hugging her "don't cry hon...and you shouldn't say sorry because what we have now is already enough" I said and wipe her tears.

"But you said you'd love to have more and I want to give it to you cause I want you to be happy" She said.

"It's just belief so you don't need to worry because I'm happy to have you and the kids" I said and held her both cheeks and peck on her lips.


"Of course!" I said and smile at her.

She hugs me again before mumbling "I'm sleepy"

I look at my wristwatch and saw it nearly midnight already. "Let's go back to the hotel" I said and stand up and tell her to climb on my back again.

I held her sandals to my right hand and supporting her at the same time "are you sure I'm not heavy?" She asks as she places her chin on my shoulder.

"Yeah you just okay" I said and she giggles.

We're already near the exit but Jennie taps my shoulder and speaks excitedly. "Let's go there Lili!" She said pointing to the mini stage there with an old man seating beside and holding a single speaker with a mike.

"What are we going there?" I ask confused.

"Sing for me!" She said.

"What?! I'm not good at it" I said.

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